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Comment Re:Horsecrap indeed (Score 1) 273

What really pisses me off is Sony changing the EULA on a product I already use (Playstation Network). I _had_ to "agree" to the EULA in order to continue to play online games. However, I emailed a complaint to them and refuse to make any more purchases on PSN. New games - no problem - they are on my do not buy list.
If Microsoft and Nintendo decide to go this way, then my console options are pretty much zero.

Comment Re:Hmmm. (Score 2) 698

Yes, it's funny to hear people tell you to watch loud power tools and music until... your hearing is 1/2 gone!

Just curious, the doc says hearing aids only amplify the volume of sounds. I'm only deficient in hearing in a certain small range but it makes talking to certain people (usually women and kids) a chore. Isn't there _something_ that can shift the pitch of a certain frequency into another frequency so I can hear it without amplification?

Comment Get a proxy (Score 3, Interesting) 49

I've been running a web proxy at home for awhile now and the more I review the logs, the more I see that the entire WWW is a massive data collection engine. Trying to keep up with blocks is like playing whack-a-mole (albeit similarly satisfying).

I agree with their call to action to have FaceBook links removed, but I'd also add that this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 105

What's the brand they're building, Cmdr. Taco or Slashdot? Headline should read something like "Slashdot visits Kennedy Space Center", and mention in the article that it's Cmdr. Taco who's covering it, IMO.

Comment Re:Ubuntu + VMWare Player (Score 1) 622

I filed a bug against an ATI driver and provided all the relevant info. Go look up driver bugs if you want to see what's out there.

If you think power management is just for suspend functionality, then you have no business commenting on this issue. The topic has been fully covered on slashdot for crying out loud.

I run several operating systems under VMware so running without VMware isn't an option.

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