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Submission + - Electronics Arts CEO ousted in wake of SimCity launch disaster ( 2

mozumder writes: The disastrous launch of SimCity took it's first major toll, with EA CEO John Riccitiello being fired from his position and removed from the Board of Directors. It is unknown what effect this may have on the SimCity franchise or any future DRM of EA games, but clearly someone didn't think their cunning plan all the way through when they decided to implement always-on connections for single-player gaming.

Submission + - Bug on EA's Origin game platform allows attackers to hijack player PCs (

ganjadude writes: "Millions upon millions could be at risk due to the attack that was displayed this past friday at the black hat security conference.

"The Origin platform allows malicious users to exploit local vulnerabilities or features by abusing the Origin URI handling mechanism," ReVuln researchers Donato Ferrante and Luigi Auriemma wrote in a paper accompanying last week's demonstration. "In other words, an attacker can craft a malicious Internet link to execute malicious code remotely on [a] victim's system, which has Origin installed.


Comment Re:Backwards compatibility (Score 1) 497

The F35 would probably have more support if it was called a Super-Duper-Marine Spitfire for sure ... nostalgia sells.
Alternatively you can build your own Spitfire for about $395,000 today Link

For that price our military could purchase 1,500 of them for the same price as the lifetime cost of ONE F35 ($600 Million)

Imagine if you were the lone pilot of an F35 and 1,500 Spitfires came down on you .... haha!

Comment Backwards compatibility (Score 5, Interesting) 497

From a Canadian perspective the big advantages of going with the Super Hornet is backwards compatibility (even more-so than the lower price).

- The Super Hornet is compatible with the current RCAF in-air refuelling technology
- The Super Hornet technology is an upgrade to what we already have - our techs are compatible / familiar with it
- The Super Hornet does not require longer runways for landing - our remote arctic runways are compatible
- The Super Hornet has landing gear better suited for icy runways - our weather is compatible

It's not as stealthy but we are a defensive military.

- The Super Hornet is also half the price.

The Harper Government has a hard-on for the F35 and the Canadian public really has no idea WHY.


Submission + - HTML5 storage bug exploitable in Chromium, Safari, Opera, and MSIE. (

Dystopian Rebel writes: A Stanford U comp-sci student has found a serious bug in Chromium, Safari, Opera, and MSIE. Feross Aboukhadijeh has demonstrated (safe link: that these browsers allow unbounded local storage. Aboukhadijeh has logged the bug with Chromium ( and Apple but couldn't do so for MSIE because "the page is broken" (see Oops.

Firefox's implementation of HTML5 local storage is not vulnerable to this exploit.

Comment Re:"Remain calm, all is well!" (Score 1) 403

You just underscored the problem ... it's the off-tv stuff that is the killer feature. But the gamepad looks like the Fisher Price version of the iPad ... priced like a console ... so it's more like a DS upgrade ... sorta ... or an expensive something or other ...

Comment more money wasted (Score 2) 221

It's certainly a huge waste of taxpayer dollars and makes you wonder why airport fees are so high when these agencies seem to be committing to the wrong technology over and over.

The TSA has to remove the Rapiscan machines because they couldn't patch the software to remove customer-specific imagery? Why use them in the first place?

I wonder how much money was flushed down the drain on those babies ... I wonder how long the new machines will last before they get replaced ... and now small airports are back to full body cavity searches which is why these machines existed in the first place ...

Comment Re:Destined to fail (Score 1) 403

I disagree. Kids and Teenagers drive console sales .. especially Nintendo console sales. Parents don't generally go to a store and let the sales drones tell them what console their kids want. Other kids do. The Wii just happened to be fun for parents and turned them into kids for a little bit. Sales drones have nothing to do with it.

I think the problem is that the original Wii kids have grown up now. Happens to Nintendo every couple generations. Wii isn't cool anymore.

The WiiU looks like a bulky Fisher Price iPad and the original Wii fans who were kids 6 years ago are older now ... they want something a little more grown up. Happened to Nintendo before when the original Sony Playstation came out and all the Nintendo fans had grown up ... good news is nostalgia will bring them back eventually ...


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