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Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 1) 381

No. Your work was not stolen. No part of "take (the property of another or others) without permission" occurred. Your property was not taken. The software of which you speak isn't property in any real sense. However, you had an agreement, and for whatever reason, that agreement was violated. The reason the agreement was violated can't change the fact that it was a contract dispute, not theft. What you are trying to do is redefine "steal" and/or redefine "property" so that one can "steal" something without taking it, or depriving you of it. This is a point of view that lots of money and marketing is going into, but all the propaganda in the world won't change the fact that you are wrong. It isn't stealing. No physical property was taken from you without permission. You gave permission, under an agreement, to be paid and that pay was not forthcoming. You could say they stole your money. That would be theft.

Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 1) 381

Most want reform, not abolition. I think a two year copyright would be sufficient. The way it is now, the value to be added to society for pretending that it is property isn't worth it. Where are the increases in the public domain that are the reason that we are willing to pretend? If they aren't there (and they aren't) then why pretend?

Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 1) 381

Well if that happened, it would be a contract violation, not theft. At least where I've worked, I can't claim to own anything even I think it up on my "own time". You don't own the code you typed. It isn't stealing. If they don't pay you, that still doesn't make it possible to steal their own code from themselves. But if they don't pay you, that is a contract violation. Likewise, content providers who want to claim copying a DVD is the same as shoplifting are lying. They go after people in civil court, not criminal court. If you really can't see the difference take a few law classes, or read some books.

Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 1) 381

I would also suggest that if every movie went into the public domain two years later, fewer people would violate copyright. If they could buy a DVD for $1, more DVDs would be sold, and almost nobody would bother to pirate. It wouldn't be cost-effective to pirate. It is inevitable. Laws can be bought, but you can't legislate away the tide.

Comment Re:Sour grapes (Score 1) 381

Disagree that the distinction made is splitting hairs. The fact is that labels make money, and artists get a pittance. The fact is that Disney makes money, and the artists get a pittance. You want to say it is Disney that creates it, and Disney that publishes. The point made was that there are makers and takers, and having the takers contract the makers, or bringing them inside, doesn't change the dynamic. Control of distribution is a choke point. If you construct a choke point on any major flow, you control it. Totally. What good is it to get a phone call if they take away your mouth?

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