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Comment Re:huh? (Score 1) 623

People don't work in IT for the glory. People rarely do anything for glory.

Man, I feel so bad for you folks who don't receive your fair share of glory. When the phone system died and I resurrected it, the office was LINING up to high five me, offer me beers, bong hits, their sisters, Ferraris, yachts, etc.

Fantastic. Top of the world ma.

(seriously, though, this might be the dumbest ask slashdot ever*.

*except for just about every one that asks for legal advice

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 97

Without RTF


Raising the floor?
Roasting the fatty?
Retarding the forum?
Rampaging through France?
Regurgitating the fruit?
Reconstituting the fluid?
Raping the flowers?

Help me out here, I'm struggle-ugle-ing*

*thanks, Joe Namath!

Comment it kinda works though, just not how they intended. (Score 1) 320

Yeah, yellow is pretty much the constant. So, people are typically going "okay, it's a normal day, carry on then". If it's orange (I've flown once during orange) then there's a bit of tension in the air. Makes for a more unpleasant airport experience, but it also tends to make people more aware of their surroundings.

So sure, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. You SHOULD always be aware of what's around you and remain alert. It's not rocket science.

Comment I don't know about you all...but as for me... (Score 2, Funny) 169

I'm waiting for IP version Kevin Bacon.

It's the only way to ensure your packet is going to positively absolutely get from point A to point B in a timely, efficient, and stylish manner.

Keep your stupid IP ver 6. Pffft. It's about as elegant as Lemur poop. IPvKB, on the other hand...now THAT'S a protocol.

Comment Re:Chemically inert, they mean (Score -1, Troll) 237

They don't appear to be claiming that they have a biological process that can change the half-life of a Plutonium atom by eating it in a clever way, though the headline-writer may have thought that.

Well, that's the issue. I've been researching this for about 2.4 centuries now and that means I have a pretty good understanding of the process. Now, I don't want to make your head 'asplode, so I'll nutshell it:

The bacteria eat the radioactive materials. The bacteria fart. A LOT. The radioactive material is released into our atmosphere, causing things like acid rain, seasonal allergens to reach all-time high levels, Britney Spears, MLS All-Star games.

The solution, as always, is Beano(R)

Comment Re:sad (Score 2) 168

Yep, nothing says a nice evening home alone like "curling up next to the fire with the kindle"....

Oh wait. I would hate that. I already "read" a screen for 9+ hours a day, why the hell would I want to do it for recreation* as well?

*I'm not in school, any reading I do these days that isn't research is done via paperback.

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