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Comment Re:Frequent hurricanes? (Score 4, Insightful) 627

I live on the Gulf coast and I've been hearing that insurance rates are going to go through the roof my entire life. There's more development on the Gulf coast now than there ever was before and the vast majority of that isn't owned by all the poor people being left behind to "take the pain".

Comment I can't be bothered to care (Score 5, Funny) 627

My 2014 Mustang GT (Premium) has 425 horsepower and runs like an ape with his ass on fire. I'm grilling steaks this weekend and drinking beer on the deck in my back yard. Every night I sleep with my air conditioner set to 70 and I water my lawn daily. I'm having way too much fun to care about this subject. The climate will change and we'll adapt and even if we don't I'll be dead in a few decades and won't give a shit then either. I'm also not paying back any of that money my elected representatives borrowed from China. Sadly none of that was meant to be sarcastic. It's all true. That last part was sarcastic. There's nothing sad about it. Have a beer and pull up a chair on the deck. It's going to be a long drought and/or ice age. Might as well get comfortable.

Comment It's just mental masturbation on his part (Score 1) 347

Fantasizing about new ways to charge customers more money for the same crap is just CEO fap material and not much more. If his dream ever does come to pass you can bet one thing. I'll be downloading the biggest, most expensive version from somewhere other than where that bastards cash register is located and so will plenty of other people. On the other hand if he'd figure out the price point necessary to get more people to want to buy it he might see more customers and more dollars.

Comment Re:Let it die (Score 1) 510

Without making any kind of statement about which "side" might be right or wrong this is exactly how the homosexual community will react the moment that someone, somewhere figures out what exactly makes a person homosexual vs. heterosexual and then announces that they can change them from one to the other. The first gay person, for whatever reason who gets "treated" will be attacked mercilessly for It by people who feel that he's betrayed their culture. Now whether that's ever possible I don't know and really don't care. Gay people surround me at work and at home and it doesn't affect me in the least bit. The only thing I want them to be able to do is be happy and enjoy their lives. I don't think it's a sin or a problem at all but someone will and if they find a gene that can be changed or a spot in someone's brain that can be modified in some way to "fix" them they will and then all hell will break loose. I think it's just human nature.

Comment Re:Soundex Algorithm (Score 1) 275

I can't figure out why that isn't obvious to everyone. I've even seen it rendered into an "easy to forward to all your paranoid friends on facebook" picture captioned "When a boot is on your throat it doesn't matter if it's the left one or the right one" and still there are people so wrapped up in their side being the correct one that they can't see past "Obama" or "Fox News". This is bigger than both parties.

Comment Re:And it costs almost as much as a new game... (Score 1) 166

I could have written this post nearly word for word it's so close to what I think about Path of Exile. Awesome game that becomes tiresome as you get further into it. Normal was a blast, Cruel was less fun but I made it through still enjoying myself. Merciless was like I hit a wall and didn't want to go on. I made it to level 74 and just lost interest in it because..... "Fuck grinding"?

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