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Comment Re:Seven years for eight hours work (Score 4, Informative) 380

Reasonable people understand that PJ works for IBM. Reasonable people understand that there is no "PJ", that IBM spun up a screen name and went to town.

Yes, but intelligent people at least look stuff up before spouting unsubstantiated claims.

Comment Not Anti-tech, (Score 1) 870

It wasn't anti-technology in any way. For the Na'vi, the animals and trees around them functioned well as their technology, despite being completely biological.

The movie portrayed paramilitary/mercenary and stockholder-driven corporate interests as the primary antagonists, to both the scientists, the Na'vi, and Pandora itself.

Comment keep it simply stated (Score 1) 477

Our workplace is such that everything has to be easy to follow and understandable with a glance. This is not necessarily because someone else will be working on our code so much as that we almost certainly end up coming back to it 6-12 months later, or that the person writing it won't be the person maintaining it or porting it.

If it isn't easy to follow, you can usually fix this by spreading out the code and inserting more comments, and avoiding shorthand statements like inline ternary that save typing, but don't enhance readability. Inline comments are uncommon, instead varying kinds of flower-boxes before a section of code. In general, it ends up that being clever requires much more commenting in the flower box to explain functionality, so in the end it becomes a wasted effort.

A few days ago I saw someone going around with this sig from Brian Kernighan;
Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.

Go, Google's New Open Source Programming Language 831

Many readers are sending in the news about Go, the new programming language Google has released as open source under a BSD license. The official Go site characterizes the language as simple, fast, safe, concurrent, and fun. A video illustrates just how fast compilation is: the entire language, 120K lines, compiles in under 10 sec. on a laptop. Ars Technica's writeup lays the stress on how C-like Go is in its roots, though it has plenty of modern ideas mixed in: "For example, there is a shorthand syntax for variable assignment that supports simple type inference. It also has anonymous function syntax that lets you use real closures. There are some Python-like features too, including array slices and a map type with constructor syntax that looks like Python's dictionary concept. ... One of the distinguishing characteristics of Go is its unusual type system. It eschews some typical object-oriented programming concepts such as inheritance. You can define struct types and then create methods for operating on them. You can also define interfaces, much like you can in Java. In Go, however, you don't manually specify which interface a class implements. ... Parallelism is emphasized in Go's design. The language introduces the concept of 'goroutines' which are executed concurrently. ... The language provides a 'channel' mechanism that can be used to safely pass data in and out of goroutines."

Submission + - Windows 7 vulnerable to 8 out of 10 viruses ( 1

xsee writes: Sophos recently tested the released version of Windows 7 to determine how much security has improved in the new operating system. The result? 8 out of 10 viruses received by Sophos successfully executed on Windows 7. It may be the most secure Windows ever, but can we trust it?

Comment proof of death (Score 1) 292

although it's not clear how Facebook can validate the death of a member if neither of those pieces of information is published on the internet.

Well, in America there is this thing called the Social Security Death Master File if you need to verify that someone has died. Its not immediate, but its better than nothing at all.

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