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Comment Rambling article (Score 1) 370

The Forbes article smells like a Wired or Fast Company article from 1999. It even uses the much loved phrase of that time, "paradigm shift." And then there's this nugget:

"It’s a lot easier to start asking Siri for information instead of typing search terms into a box compared to thousands of enterprises ceasing to upgrade to the next version of Windows."


Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 321

> People that don't want children seem somewhat selfish to me.

I've heard this before and don't understand it even a little. Not having children is like not collecting stamps for me. It doesn't interest me in the slightest. Quite the contrary, I find it irrational and self-centered when people claim their having children will improve the "way of life, genes, and moral values" of the population by adding a drop of water to a pool of over 6.5 x 10^9 humans, a number that is growing by over 250 every single minute of every day.

You can have a mich more direct effect on humanity, if that is your life's goal, by participating directly. The famous people who changed the course of history, from Aristotle to Shakespeare to Edison, did so via their work, not by making babies.

Comment Re:By not having the situation in the first place (Score 1) 304

Agile doesn't solve this problem. The situation is almost certainly that upper management is unwilling to either properly staff the projects or adjust expectations of delivery dates. The solution is to try to educate them. They will not listen. Soon enough, every project is the number one priority, with an emphasis on a given project that shifts daily/weekly at the whim of the CXO. Eventually, you and your coworkers will jump off that sinking ship.

Comment Awesome journalism (Score 2) 301

The submitter, who works for itworld, sent a link to slashdot with an itworld article that has no source material nor citations of where the story was sourced. The only actual journalism that anyone has done on this appears to come from:

This is the link that should have been posted. Seriously, it took me less than a minute to vet this.

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