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Comment Re:How many? (Score 1) 130

I remember watching the Computer Chronicles from the late 80's, early 90's about the new Laptops being released that feature a rechargeable battery with whopping 1.5 hours battery life! Cut to today, I only need to recharge my iPad twice a week, My 7 year old Macbook gets 3-4 hours (though, I did replace the battery not too long ago), My phone can last a week or two without a recharge. Sure, some of that was due to miniaturization and more efficient components but battery technology has vastly improved in just the last 20 years alone. We've gone from huge Lead Acid bricks to small Lithium Ion power packs.

I can't wait for batteries and charge cables to be replaced by Supercaps and induction charging on mainstream devices.

Comment Re:Info on what kind of people? (Score 1) 69

It sounds more like it's OK to buy porn and dildos but you probably shouldn't buy a ski mask, tarp, hatchet and a copy of American Psycho at the same time.

I remember there was some lab supply company selling a bottles of chloroform under Amazon Marketplace a few years ago. I have no idea how legit the offer was, but under "People who bought this also bought" was handkerchiefs, condoms, and rope. It had one 5-star review about the using it to "find love the old fashion way."

Comment Re:Every title is doomed. (Score 1) 329

No, The problem is that all their games relied on Gamespy. Now that Gamespy is going bye-bye, EA has to make the choice to either remove all the Gamespy crap from all of these game and patch everything or to just say, "it is too much work for absolutely no payoff". Now, for Battlefront 2 and Crysis this is a big deal because you can still purchase these games (Steam and Origin). The others as far as I know aren't still being sold and there is no real reason to still support them other then supporting the few people who still play them.

Comment Re:Damned If they do. Damned if they don't (Score 1) 384

Because Bioware, Bethesda, EA, Microsoft, etc aren't Nintendo. These games are mostly for teens and adults. Nintendo has the reputation as being a company that makes games for children. They have almost always been associated with family friendly entertainment. As such, they are a bigger target. Anything even remotely controversial will be latched on by "OMG Think of the children!!!"

By the way, Bioware got blasted by Fox News when Mass Effect was released, basically being called a go-anywhere-rape-anyone sex simulator.

Comment Damned If they do. Damned if they don't (Score 4, Interesting) 384

Nintendo is going to be blasted either way. As a game that is rated for everyone, and as a company that is seen as a children's toy company, if they included it, the latest controversy will be that this toy company is trying to indoctrinate everyone's precious little snowflakes into the homosexual agenda. I'm sure that either Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or and one of the Fox News cadre will call for a boycott of all Nintendo products and all the ignorant middle age assholes that actually give credence to what these people say will be going around with signs saying, "God hates Mario" or whatever. While Nintendo isn't as utterly screwed as the media like to portray it as, that kind of bad publicity would put them into a very bad place.

However, the big problem was that same sex relationships were possible in the Japanese version of the game via what Nintendo calls a "bug." If it was never possible in the first place, it could have been defended as a simple design decision, but by having it possible and getting rid of it, the media is spinning it as some sort of social commentary by Nintendo. So, by fixing the bug, now they are getting the wrath of the LGBT community and are facing the kind of bad publicity that they really don't need right now.

Basically, all this will do is ensure that these kind of social simulators will remain as Japan only.

Comment Re:Well duh (Score 5, Informative) 477

1) Wait a few months.Blu-rays come down in price. If it is an older movie, many come out at around $15 - $20 and go to around $5-$10 fairly fast. Check Amazon.

2) Currently the best way to watch Blu-rays on the PC is MakeMKV. Rip to an MKV (~30 -60 mins) and watch it on your PC or then use something like Handbrake and convert it to MP4 and watch it on practically anything (AppleTV, PS3, whatever). HDCP bypassed! Yeah, you could buy PowerDVD or some other program to play Blu-rays, but for the price you are paying, you could buy a PS3. Plus there are less than legal ways of getting VLC to play Blu-rays as well, though it's not as convenient as a DVD.

Sure, it would be nice if it had the support like DVDs have where you could just pop in the disc and it just plays but between the unskippable trailers and other crap they put on DVD's and Blu-rays these days, I just rip my discs.

Comment Re:Atari 2600 Games (Score 2) 179

Yes, there were many, especially the non-arcade ports from Atari and most of the games made by Activision. There were even a few good third party games but those were few and far between. While most of those games were great for the time, many are still pretty good games today. Games like "H.E.R.O.", Demon Attack, Kaboom, Haunted House, Yar's Revenge, and Megamania still hold up well as fun today.

The problem with the Atari is very similar to what happened with the Wii, plenty of good games that got so totally drowned out with crap that people stopped caring. But while people could turn to the 360 and PS3 with the Wii, the Atari 2600 was pretty much synonymous with video games and the whole industry tanked taking other viable consoles with it.

Comment Re:Computer Chronicles (Score 2) 99

The entire series was donated to The Internet Archive I find it awesome watching the old episodes to see how far we came. Seeing laptops that boast about a fantastic battery life of 2 hours with an *OMG* color screen or seeing a Panasonic rep saying about how the 3DO will kill Nintendo is a great nostalgia trip.

Comment Re:Free labour ! (Score 1) 201

Hey what a great chance for me to provide free labour to a multi national corporation. In exchange for ? Er....

In exchange for free bleeding edge software. Software that may contain new awesome features but may also contain game-breaking bugs. It is a gamble and a trade-off that some of us are more than willing to make.

Comment Re:The PC (Score 1) 245

The average PC has far better graphics capabilities and the keyboard combined with a good mouse are far superior than any console controller.

A Keyboard and Mouse isn't superior to a Console Controller. They are merely different. Sure, I would never want to play and RTS or a FPS on a controller. However, I would hate to play a 2D Platformer or 3rd person game like Arkham Asylum with a keyboard. Just as the best way to play Wing Commander and the like is a joystick. Different tools for different jobs.

What makes a PC great is the support for any type of controller you have and a huge back catalog of games going back 20 years (or more with DOSBox or other emulators).

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