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Comment Re:Never problem for banks. (Score 2) 75

They will just ask Central Bank to print some extra money. Problem solved.
For the rest of you, go to work to earn some pennies.

I'm assuming you are from the US, because that is were this "printing money is bad" meme seems to have been resurrected lately. Central banks are managing the money supply to balance and the economy, and in most modern western economies this is working as intended - keeping a stable currency value, steady low inflation and fueling economic growth or counteracting recession.

So I see the brainwashing regarding "minor inflation is good" did work on you. Back in my day, we had a word for FALLING prices on essential goods, it was called "progress".

Comment The biggest problem (Score 1) 303

Is that you can't KNOW for sure what actually happens. Essentially, vendors that utize closed-source firmware/software (basically almost everyone), like Apple, are asking their users to "just trust us that we aren't doing anything really stupid or malicious". After all the Snowden revelations, I find it pretty hard to trust ANYBODY with ANYTHING. Reassureances are not good enough, I want actual tangible PROOF.

Comment Re:Like a Nokia Android wouldn't have bombed? (Score 2) 189

I am so sick of this "magical thinking" when it comes to Android. There is something like a dozen making Android phones, how many of those have been consistently profitable with Android? ONE, and that is Samsung. HTC and LG have made profits, not consistently mind you, and with LG their profits on a lot of phones can be measured in pennies.

Like it or not folks, and this is coming from somebody that uses an Android phone that I'm quite happy with, with Android you have a race to the bottom where the VAST majority of Android sales in the under $185 price range and this market, the ultra low end? is a market that Nokia could NEVER compete in, okay?

You're stupid. Look up Asha. Nokia succesfully competed not in just sub-185$ market, but in sub-100$ market as well.

Comment Re:How close to 100% is the Windows 7 percentage? (Score 1) 246

As an IT manager who oversees deployment and maintenance of about 60 desktops and laptops, some of which are shared among multiple employees, consistency in OS availability for the end user is key. We upgrade one or two machines per month, and we started using Windows 7 three years ago, so about 15 systems still run XP. We're not touching 8.1 until there are no more XP systems on our network, AND people show interest in actually using 8.1, AND at least one service pack has been released to address outstanding issues since its public release, AND we discover a way to disable the "Tiles" start screen.

You will be waiting a very long time then, considering 8.1 is essentially the service pack for 8. The concept of a "service pack" is dead, Microsoft has long planned moving to rolling releases a la MacOS X.

Comment Re:End of a Dream (Score 1) 344

You can shoot someone that jumps out of the shadows and starts beating your head in. That's actually legal virtually everywhere, including all over Europe. In most of Europe, it's very difficult for an individual citizen to legally carry the weapon to begin with, of course, but the right to self defense is hardly a US invention.

Not with a gun, no. In most (all?) European countries responding to getting your face smashed in with knuckles alone and no actual weapon with gunfire will land you in prison for years.

Comment Do your part (Score 4, Insightful) 555

and don't visit countries that abuse visitors, unless you absolutely have to. Back when I was 15, I dreamt of moving to America, the land of opportunity and individual freedoms. By age 24-25, I no longer had the rose-tinted glasses. Now at 30 I am no longer even interested in coming for a visit.

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