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Comment Not Illegal (Score 3, Informative) 196

From the FCC:
Are cable systems required to offer "a la carte" and pay-per-view channels?

No, but they may choose to offer channels on a stand-alone basis ("a la carte") or as a pay-per-view channel. Commission rules also prohibit cable systems from requiring customers to subscribe to any tiers beyond the basic tier in order to have access to a la carte channels or pay-per-view channels offered by the system.

'Out your ass' is not a legitimate source.

Comment Can I ger a package (Score 1) 196

without ESPN? Please? It's really for people who like to here other people spout shit they tried really hard to fill time with. It's actual information can be smmed up in a website. I don't know why I need to subsidize a profit making network.

Of course, I have no idea why people tune in to here athletes talk.

Hey, football fans! This is what the QB is going to say:
If it was a hard game or loss, he will take the blame.
If it is a win, he will praise the line.

Comment Re:Analogy (Score 1) 556

Sorry for using layman-speak in a geek forum, but I tire of picking all my nits before posting :). The point is that any particular value or set of values might be considered infinitesimally likely in an unknown and possibly infinite domain. We only have one universe so we can't very well figure out how many other possible values could have existed for all the conditions that support life in this universe. And we can't very well say for certain that none of these other possibilities would have ever resulted in conscious life. It's the anthropic principle.

Comment Re:They are not supposed to (Score 1) 840

"If not outright forbidden to do so. "

"We live in a time where not only things get complicated enough that you'd need to study everything you want to fix for a while before you could even start finding out what's broken, "

"more often than not some legalese bullshit is thrown between your legs where you may not even start working on something you allegedly bought. "
The legalize is only to protect the manufacturer. Do you think you should b ably to pop open you device, change thing and then get the manufacturer to help you or replace it?

"You see, back in my days we did something funny with the stuff we bought: We "owned" it. It meant that we could do whatever we damn well please with the stuff we bought. "
Still true.

"No such luck anymore, the more technology your gadgets contain and the more gimmicky it is, the higher the chance that you must not do anything but use it in whatever fashion the creator wants you to. No tinkering, no "fixing", no improving, and sure as HELL no talking about doing any of that!"

"Most technical appliances are actually defect at delivery."

". They refuse to do what you want, like, say, you buy a new game console and it doesn't play whatever you want it to play, despite the technical capability."
You want you electronics to do what they weren't designed for by default?

" You must now not go and fix the defect so it would do what you want it to do. In some countries it's even already an offense that could cost you a nasty fine or even land you in jail to fix your broken device. Let alone do it for others."
what countries?

You are utterly false and have jumped into the alarmist bullshit created by whiners.

You should be happy that you are completely wrong, but you won't be. You have self identified with a bias and crafted a false narrative from that, and as such you have an emotional investment into being right, inregardless* of the facts.

Stop it.

*Grammar joke. Sorry.

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