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Comment Re: Idiotic (Score 0) 591

Murder is against the law; killing absent unlawful motive or negligence is not. Hence, the state can lawfully kill someone once their guilt is determined, their due process rights respected, and the penalty determined to be reasonable given the crimes committed. An individual whose life is at risk by the actions of another individual can also kill, legally. Justifiable homicides happen all the time. If I break into your home to try and murder you, you can kill me and the state has no interest in prosecuting your causing my death.

Capital punishment doesn't bring anyone back to life and if we're honest with ourselves, it likely has little deterrence effect on other criminals. However, the benefit is that it stops an individual who is so dangerous and destructive that society cannot afford to risk their continued existence. Locking them in prison subjects other prisoners, guards, staff, and even other members of society to varying levels of risk from that individual. When an individual is found to exhibit a certain level of danger and destructiveness, society's best option may just be to end that individual's existence in a fair and lawful process.

Comment the real question (Score 2) 350

is why it is turned off

if the question were "why should a phone add all this expensive hardware for negligible benefit" then the answer should obviously screw FM radio

but if the functionality is already there, why isn't anyone angry that you are being denied something for free simply so your phone carrier can squeeze more cash out of you?

i look at the other posts here and their priorities and their rationale, and i can't understand why this thought doesn't rank higher

and while we're at it, get us a tv tuner too, like in japan:

why aren't television and fm radio industries banding together to demand inclusion on smartphones? nevermind as a safety feature, you can make arguments for that, but even if you think that's a contrived concern, do it simply because it's a fucking industry of content, that you can get FOR FREE

Comment Re:vs. a Falcon 9 (Score 1) 75

They can carry about 110kg to LEO, compared to the Falcon 9's 13150kg. That's 0.84% of the payload capacity. A launch is estimated to cost $4 900 000, compared to the Falcon 9's $61 200 000. That's 8.01%. That means cost per mass to orbit is nearly an order of magnitude worse.

Yes, this is a really small rocket. If you are a government or some other entity that needs to put something small in orbit right away, the USD$5 Million price might not deter you, even though you could potentially launch a lot of small satellites on a Falcon 9 for less.

And it's a missile affordable by most small countries, if your payload can handle the re-entry on its own. Uh-oh. :-)

Comment No need to be a genius (Score 1) 385

Even being above average means you're surrounded by (relative) idiots. Hell, just stay informed about world events, history, literature, and then stand there in disgust as all people can talk about is the latest episode of "Naked and Afraid". This is by no means a recent thing either; every generation throughout history has repeated the same sorry story.

Comment Re:have to rewrite muc federal law to not microman (Score 4, Interesting) 150

When you have a comoany that knows how to do a certain thing , aka one of those evil corporations, getting hired by the federal government, some people want to do a lot of paperwork and stuff to keep track of what's going on, and other people go crazy with it.

If we're doing something important, like killing Hitler, or trying to beat the Commies to the moon, federal procurement can be remarkably efficient. Clear goals, and the stated willingness to accept some waste as long as the job's done, can do that.

Unfortunately since about the mid-1970s (Watergate you say?!), approximately zero "waste," of any kind is tolerated on any federal project, as this is "profiteering" or "wasting the people's money," so a lot of contractor time is spent on compliance. This makes the process incredibly loss-averse, and probably too risk-averse to actually accomplish anything.

The reality is that Elon Musk is able to do a good job, because he can destroy two or three recovery barges in a row and he doesn't have to explain it to anybody but his accountant. If the SLS had only one slip-up like that there would be a bloodbath of firings, senate hearings, press conferences with the President, and maybe the entire program might be scrubbed. Back in the late 50s NASA screwed up these kinds of operations all the time, but the American people tolerated it because of the Cold War. Nowadays the budget is so tight and public accountability is so fierce that frigging welding assembly subcontractors are apparently front-page news. We probably built and destroyed five facilities on the scale of this thing during Apollo and nobody batted an eye at the expense.

Comment Re:Did they mention the yummy GMOs (Score 1) 320

viruses infect your cells, pick up stray genes, propagate, and spread that gene to other creatures

simple bacteria frequently exchange genes

you have this notion that transfer of genes between species is some weird thing humans just invented

when the truth is gene transfer amongst species is normal and common

it has been going on since day one of life existing

again, you have this bizarre irrational fear that has no meaning except to illiterate people

Comment Re:Did they mention the yummy GMOs (Score 0) 320

then we need to label every single thing we eat as genetically modified

you think our corn or carrots are natural?

they are freak artificial mutations that would never survive in the natural world

because we do in the lab intelligently what we have been doing informally for thousands of years is threatening to you is simply a sign of your ignorance and science illiteracy. you have nothing but uneducated, irrational fear

Comment Re:I guess he crossed the wrong people (Score 3, Insightful) 320

"I just don't want to eat a food that manufactures its own pesticide"

then you don't want to eat any plant that has ever grown

plants have been in an evolutionary arms race with the creatures that eat them for billions of years, producing a plethora of toxic compounds to kill and maim that which eats them

and the evolution of animal's livers have been doing their best to keep up

in fact many flavor compounds and drugs from plants were originally evoled to kill us, or are meant to kill another species

your irrational fear is nothing but illiteracy and ignorance

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