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Comment Re:Hopefully this gows (Score 5, Informative) 167

> Formula 1 jumped the shark when they disallowed ground effects.

Ground effects whilst technologically interesting suffer from safety problems.

As soon as a car deviates from the optimum ride height for the undertray effects to work the downforce varies significantly. This is a problem when apex speeds are significantly higher due to the extra downforce created by ground effects.

Hit a bump the wrong way and lose downforce == shoot off the corner at much higher speeds into the barrier.

Comment Re:This is a great excuse (Score 2) 119

Are you kidding? No self respecting neckbeard would be caught dead using Nano. It's too simple and straightforward for them. Their editor needs to have an interactive and non interactive mode and no use of the delete or backspace key. I mean keyboards have had that function for like a half century now...

Comment Re:FAKE (Score 1) 80

If I was going to attempt something like this, the "cartridge" would really be the IO pins from a microcontroller or Beagle Bone board. The board emulates a real cartridge. It takes source video and converts it to something displayable by the NES.

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