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Comment Re:Advantage? (Score 1) 118

You've obviously never done construction... there's no market for 7' 11" walls, 8 foot walls, and 8' 1" walls when 8 foot walls will work fine.... goto a lumber store, you'll fine 2x4, 2x6, and 2x8, etc. Why? It's not like the saw couldn't be easily be programmed to cut out a 2x3.75453 board it's just no one cares.
And even for the options you would need available you could have 1000s of molds for the price of one of these printers.... 1000s of molds that can all be working at once while this printer can only doing one thing at a time.

Comment Advantage? (Score 3, Insightful) 118

While 3d printing is cool and all what advantage does 'printing' concrete slabs offer or normal precast molds and just pouring the concrete in the old fashion way?
The article doesn't make it clear, but since this is a company and not an experiment one has to assume they see sort of useful reason in doing it this way, but for the life of me I don't see what it is.
If you're using a mold for concrete it's almost literally as fast as you can pour the concrete when using one...

Comment Re:Levitating Frogs (Score 1) 73

Well you could using this field strength to levitate frogs which would make for a cool lecture demonstration!

Don't kid yourself, man. This technology is going to be militarized into a frog-railgun ASAP. If a biblical rain of frogs is the only language the North Koreans understand, then by God that's what we'll give them.

Comment Re:Wait, wait a second.... (Score 1) 191

You are digitally illiterate if you "trust the Internet."

It's not clear what is meant by "trust the Internet".

For example, you could "trust the Internet" enough to log on to a terminal at the library and anonymously read Slashdot articles, but not "trust the Internet" enough to access your bank account online (or invest in BitCoins, heaven forfend). Does that make you digitally literate or illiterate?

Comment Re:Funny (Score 2) 191

However, there are some that don't trust the internet as a medium in and of itself. And I would argue that that is a problem.

A problem for whom? If they don't mind the inconvenience of never using the Internet, that's their decision, and living without using the Internet is no less doable now than it was for the previous 5,000 generations.

Comment Re:One non-disturbing theory (Score 1) 304

If water is that good at dissolving plastic we're all in a lot of trouble. As for a new, plastic-eating bacteria? That's nothing to be concerned about at all!

Seriously, fish eating it terrible. But it is probably the least bad alternative, unless we're going to include "space aliens carefully harvesting it, while leaving sea life alone" on the list of theories.

Hippie doesn't usually extend to "caring at all."

Comment Re:WUWT (Score 3, Insightful) 441

Targeting specific birds, how many top of the food chain birds do cats kill? I have doubts that cats or glass panes are killing as many eagles as windmills.

67 eagles have been verified as killed by wind turbines in the last 5 years (source).

That's out of a population of about 20,000 bald eagles (source) and 30,000 golden eagles (source).

So, are wind turbines a significant problem for eagles? Well, they do kill an estimated 0.13% of eagles, so they aren't completely harmless. On the other hand, the American Eagle Society's threats to eagle survival page lists the primary threats to eagles as: DDT, Lead shot poisoning, secondary poisoning, electrocution, poaching, habitat destruction, and other predators. Wind turbines are not mentioned at all.

Therefore, we can conclude that "wind turbines kill eagles" is a not a valid criticism of wind power.

Comment Re:And every one of them... (Score 0, Troll) 61

Learn a little history. They'll target conservative extremists, but they create files on liberals just for being liberal.

IRS affair has nothing to do with the FBI. (Also, there is some indication that it's more Bengazi-style spin from the right than actual substance.)

Obama has nothing to do with it.

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