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Comment Re: Firewire (Score 1) 682

My theory is that Intel was pissed about Apple always trumping USB with Firewire. When Apple wanted to switch to Intel processors, part of the deal was probably that Apple slowly phase out Firewire, so that when USB3 came out, Firewire8Million didn't shortly follow.

Comment Re:So trivial there's only one (Score 2, Interesting) 144

>> more exploits being found for OSX than Linux and windows

I don't believe that for Linux, and I certainly don't believe that for Windows.

Face it guys, OS X is built on a BSD userland with the same OpenSSH you all know and love. It uses the same owner/group/others file permissions. It ships with an excellent firewall, and no open ports by default.

IMO, it's as safe as Linux. The smart users will only ever see trojans and home-dir-deleting "viruses", and the dumb ones that type their password will get owned.

The probability of hitting a Mac, and then having the user enter their password into a random unexpected popup is too low for Macs to be a viable target.

Comment Re:Yaaaaay! (Score 1) 204

pkg_info will print a list of all the installed ports on a FreeBSD system.
"pkg_delete package_from_list" will uninstall a package and you can specify options to delete unnecessary dependencies as well.

Comment Re:Yaaaaay! (Score 1) 204

Dependencies are automatically downloaded and compiled before the port you're trying to install will build. You type "make install clean" and it'll build and install all the necessary components.

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