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Comment They were paying (Score 1, Flamebait) 83

The week Musk sent out these whiny tweets about providing Starlink for 'free', prominent Ukranians like Maria Drytska were posting invoices full of Starlink charges.

Perhaps Musk was giving some people Starlink for free, but not most. Ukranians were paying, many of them via Polish accounts.

I'd only ask that you not take anything Musk says at face value. He's not a good faith actor.

Comment The actual SpaceX engineers get no credit (Score 1) 140

The actual SpaceX engineers designing these engines get no credit. No mentions. Zero.

SpaceX is a collection of some really smart people and their identities are suppressed to an almost comic degree. All credit is attributed to the company or to Musk. Never to the individuals actually doing all this cool shit.

That's the biggest problem here, and that's what Musk needs to be held accountable for. His ego won't let anyone else take any credit.

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