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Journal Journal: stuff and things like Schneider TM 1

Today I had a most magnificent stroll in the rain. I didn't get as soaked as I would have liked, but it was a good time. I don't know why more people don't like to walk in the rain. I can empathize if they have somewhere to go where they need to be dry or if they are carrying some important papers or something that need to retain the shape of their ink. But overall the rain is a pleasant thing. It refreshes, makes the day breath taking again.

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Journal Journal: bad music


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Journal Journal: The Little Prince 1

One never ought to listen to the flowers. One should simply look at them and breathe their fragrance.
-Antoine de Saint Exupery

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hi.

Long time no see. How are you doing? That's nice to hear. I hope you weren't lonely without me. I know you'll be alright. I may leave but I may come back too so it's okay. Have a goodnight.

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Journal Journal: Wow

I can't seem to figure out whether or not this is a joke. Our beloved president allegedly spoke there and he and his wife received a warm welcome.

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Journal Journal: Patience

Why oh why is March 21st so far away? The gods seem to taunt and tease.

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Journal Journal: **No Title**

A-bot. I'm drunk and I love you. I love you. West Western style hardcore. Straight up Nelly Bling Bling!

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Journal Journal: The search for company

Today I embark upon a mission for friendship. A mission for love. I am leaving to find meaning in a friendship which should never have been understated.

Have a happy new year's all.


User Journal

Journal Journal: Here ye, here ye!

I have passed my calculus class! Life is gooood. Most of my grades were A's with a couple B's and C's. I'm okay with that, I can do better next semester.

User Journal

Journal Journal: *BINGGG!* 2

So I was writing this bomb funk journal entry. And then stupid contextual menus crashed Chimera. I need the 60meg update to 10.2.3...damn this infernal modem!

User Journal

Journal Journal: whew 1

after not sleeping last night, getting the shuttle at 6am, taking the plane to Chicago 8:45 to 10:30 (Chicago time), hanging out with Angie for an hour, flying from Chicago to LA 3:30pm CA time, and sitting in LA traffic for an hour to finally get to my rainy home 15 hours from when i started, i'm exhausted. oh yeah, i smoked some extraordinarily good ganja with TJ and Mike on the way home. It's good to be back in CA.


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