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Comment Re:Details (Score 1) 294

There was a study linking insulin resistance to belly fat 2 years ago, via stress. NPR had a show on it.

antibiotics mess with gut flora
gut flora feeds back to brain via a bizarre nerve
this feedback induces stress
stress induces fat deposition inside the abdomen
fat in the abdomen releases chemicals which cause insulin resistance

So...this is one more observation

My gf got it in the 1950s before NAS.

I got it after going off NAS 20 years ago and switching back to normal pop for 2 years.

These new people have some 'splaining to do.

Comment Re:Negotiation (Score 1) 243

Here's my solution: AT&T can have their fast lanes and extort Netflix, but the. top of their monthly bill has to print "Of your $10/month Netflix bill, we are extorting from them $2 (or whatever) a month or we will slow them down. Also, we told you a particular speed for you in your contract with us but we are miserable, fraudulent liars."

Comment Re:Remind me of Quake 3 (Score 1) 292

Eh, Quake II single player had jumped the shark anyway, abandoning the fantasy monster model for a dreary grey-and-brownmetal sci-fi affair. Screw up the cool grappling hook so it's a mealey-mouthed humming POS. Get rid of rocket jumping because it's "wrong", then half-assedly add it back under protest with a hack rather than it falling out naturally from the physics. Turn the grenade launcher grenade from a cool thing that bonk bonk bonked around into a horrible orange sweet potato that bounced precisely twice then stopped for "easier placement".

Whoever was in charge obviously got lucky with Quake I in spite of their best efforts.

Comment Re:Time for new terminology (Score 1) 635

Estimated deaths for various future scenarios:

- Accidentally inducing an ice age (which can happen in as little as a year or two) from amelioration efforts: billions

-Successful amelioration efforts backing off GW, with attendant damage to economic dynamism, leaving us with 2050 tech in 2100: hundreds of millions to billions

-GW with slow sea rise but continued powerful economy: Baseline against the ungodly losses of the other two scenarios, but level 2100 tech with its marvels (consider vs. 1900vs today)

Comment Re:Time for new terminology (Score 1) 635

I recall this conversation:

Environmentalist: CO2 bad, mmmm'kay?

Me: Ya know, if CO2 is bad, we should get rid of bans of yard waste in landfills, and requirements labdfills biodegrade. Lawnmowing was a great sequestration method already in-place, before leftover 1970s innumeracy about running out of landfill space illogically gained sway.

Environmentalist: (has mental conflicts like Nomad after Kirk is done with it). No because CO2 isn't a very important greenhouse gas anyway.

Comment Re:Time for new terminology (Score 1) 635

50 years ago (much less 100) tech was way behind where it is now.

If we care about the future, we should maintain a strong economy, which drives technology forward fastest, through direct investment and smaller government investment, which relies on a strong economy for sufficient tax base.

A planet with slowly rising seas will leave a better legacy for great grand children with more advanced tech.

Would our forebearers in 1900 have done us any favors grinding industry to a near halt and leaving us with a mildly nicer environment (prolly not noticeable) and, say, 1960-level tech today?

Thanks fer nuthin'. I'll take year 2200 virtual reality, autodocs, robots, and so on on a floating city over any freaking alternative, and as fast as possible. Disagree? Thou mass murderer slowing things down.

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

Everything interacts with everything if you look hard enouh. To use that as justification for government interference ignores why massive restrictions are on government in the first place -- because it is misused by people in power to stay in power and enrich themselves.

Yes, this means you, them playing you like a fiddle to jump to their power grab tune. The more things they can legislate, the more idiots they can promise things to.

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