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Comment Ring the alarum bells (Score 1) 212

With sloppy controls and logging, this can be abused by those in power to spy on their political opponents. I am convinced this is goong on in the US.

This is why there are supposed to be things like warrant requirements. If you can skip that with no alarm bells going off, goodbye freedom.

Comment East Asia or Something (Score 1) 124

"Advanced cell phone tracking devices known as StingRays allow police nationwide to home in on suspects and to log individuals present at a given location. But before acquiring a StingRay, state and local police must sign a nondisclosure agreement with the FBI, according todocuments released via a MuckRock FOIA request
. As Shawn Musgrave reports,it's an unusual setup arrangement for two public agencies to swear each other to secrecy
, but such maneuvers are becoming more common."

- Excerpt from the forbidden novel "1983".

Comment Re:If you want a Diet avoid Diet food. (Score 2) 294

Peple blame sugar when it's other carbs that turn into the bulk of glucose in your body.

Almost half the calories in a Big Mac are bun. Non-sugar Carbs, via calories, are why we are fat.Chips, bread with everything, buns. Seriously, watch what's on your plate as you eat for several days.

There was a study 40 years ago where they fed. prisoners two diets of a whipped concoction, with varying amounts of fat and sugar. The fatter you were, the MORE you preferred the. high fat one, and the thinner people preferred the sweeter.

The idea fat people are hooked on sweets is BS. They are hooked on higher-calorie, denser-calorie fatty foods.

I just read an asinine study the other day that incorrectly associated sweeter foods with. higher calorie intake because they were more calorie dense, the authors surmised.

Comment Re:Details (Score 1) 294

There was a study linking insulin resistance to belly fat 2 years ago, via stress. NPR had a show on it.

antibiotics mess with gut flora
gut flora feeds back to brain via a bizarre nerve
this feedback induces stress
stress induces fat deposition inside the abdomen
fat in the abdomen releases chemicals which cause insulin resistance

So...this is one more observation

My gf got it in the 1950s before NAS.

I got it after going off NAS 20 years ago and switching back to normal pop for 2 years.

These new people have some 'splaining to do.

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