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New "Circuit Breaker" Imposed To Stop Market Crash 460

Lucas123 writes "The SEC and national securities exchanges announced a new rule that would help curb market volatility and help to prevent 'flash crashes' like the one that took place on May 6, when the Dow dropped almost 1,000 points in a half hour. That crash was blamed in part on automated trading systems, which process buy and sell orders in milliseconds. The new rule would pause trading on individual stocks that fluctuate up or down 10% in a five-minute period. 'I believe that circuit breakers for individual securities across the exchanges would help to limit significant volatility,' the SEC's chairman said. 'They would also increase market transparency, bolster investor protection, and bring uniformity to decisions regarding trading halts in individual securities.'"
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Best Baby Monitor Solution

asn writes: I've been tasked with finding a baby monitoring system for the soon to drop Son 1.0. It is incredible how bad the reviews are on all the systems — poor sound quality, wifi interference, lack of privacy/security, poor video at night or no IR illumination, no standard interfaces, etc. Video seems to be useless if audio is no good in my opinion. I've thought about going the networked camera route, but that seems prone to failure and probably more complication than my wife would stand (even though I'd like to be able to view junior when I'm travelling for business for kicks, throw it up on my monitor while working, on the PiP while watching TV, etc). I'm sure some of my fellow slashdotters have been through this before — any ideal or creative solutions that I can buy or hack together?
It's funny.  Laugh.

If Programming Languages Were Religions 844

bshell writes "With Christmas around the corner I know we are all thinking about religion, or at least maybe wondering why this one religion dominates the rest for these few weeks. A fellow named Rodrigo Braz Monteiro (amz) posted this list comparing each programming language to a religion. Guaranteed to make you chuckle and generate a good long thread here on slashdot. Great way to pass the time as work winds down this week and we relate to our own programming faiths during this very special time of year. Merry PHPmas." Fortunately Pastafarianism is referenced.
United States

Discuss the US Presidential Election & the War 1211

With under a week to go, we're opening up discussions on the US Presidential Election. Yesterday we discussed the economy. Today we take on one of the other major election topics: The War. From the actual wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to foreign policy issues related to potential threats like North Korea, Russia, and Iran, how do the candidates stack up?

Homeland Security's Space-Based Spying Goes Live 289

BountyX writes "While America's attention has shifted to the economic meltdown and the presidential race between corporate favorites John McCain and Barack Obama, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Applications Office (NAO) 'will proceed with the first phase of a controversial satellite-surveillance program, even though an independent review found the department hasn't yet ensured the program will comply with privacy laws.' NAO will coordinate how domestic law enforcement and 'disaster relief' agencies such as FEMA use satellite imagery intelligence (IMINT) generated by US spy satellites. Based on available evidence, hard to come by since these programs are classified 'above top secret,' the technological power of these military assets are truly terrifying."

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