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Comment Re:HotS (Score 3, Interesting) 435

The same tired arguments, still incomprehensible to me.

The Wings of Liberty campaign was easily as long as the original SC campaign, with massively improved storytelling and gameplay. I'm sure Heart of the Swarm and the Protoss campaign will be just as long, and probably even better.

Halo 2 was easily 50% longer than Halo CE. Halo 3 was perhaps a tad short, but was gorgeous and epic and had a great ending.

All of the above came with complete, entertaining multiplayer (blah blah sc2 lan whatever) too, if you're into that.

In no way did I end up feeling overcharged for these games. Reach I felt robbed by, but that's another argument entirely...

Comment Re:Frankenstein isn't mad, though (Score 1) 210

I would say more overly, even childishly optimistic. In the movie he's like one of those dinosaur kids that knows everything about them, and can't! wait! to! share! Which makes for a generally likeable character, but seems a bit off as the head of a huge, successful multinational corporation...

Comment Re:Let's generalize: (Score 1) 214

Seriously? Read The Federalist--some incredibly intelligent, thoughtful individuals shaped The Constitution. They did as much as they could to limit the powers of the Federal government, and really, they did a pretty good job--it's taken over 200 years for apathy, ignorance, power, and money to degrade things to their current state, and I think there's still some hope that things will turn around.

Comment Re:And next.. (Score 2) 308

Judges aren't stupid, but most of them are egotistical, narcissistic assholes with a touch of sociopath, just like most lawyers (see also: politicians, most drawn from the same source pool). Who else wants the job? The Clint Webb sketch really is one of WKUK's most insightful: the kind of person who wants a job that determines the fate of others isn't really the sort of person you want doing that job, but it seems the best we can do is go with it and do our best to remove the worst of the bunch, and control/satisfy/placate the remainder.

And before you ask, I've done all of the above, Mr. Ad Hominem.

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