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Comment Re:Fewer people, more bots (Score 2) 91

Fewer people maybe, but it seems like more bots, at least on X. That may accelerate the problem.

How many people actually have something to say? That's the real problem.

Most posts on social media (by people who are not advertising something or pushing some agenda) are just chatting with their circle of friends. And that's OK. That's what it SHOULD be. That's the whole point of "social media". But there's no profit in that.

Shitposting that is sensational, inflammatory and controversial draws more viewers, which allows the social media companies to say to advertisers "LOOK AT OUR NUMBERZ!! PAY US MORE MONIEZ!!" and the actual usefulness of social media is slowly destroyed.

All of this social media bullshit can't go away soon enough, as far as I'm concerned, but they aren't going away any time soon. They've got a lot of money invested and there is still lots of money to be made from people who are vain and stupid. They will keep throwing shit against the wall until none of it sticks. Eventually, Twitter/Facebook/etc. will just be bots trolling each other. Which will actually be sort of fun to watch, for a while.

Comment Re:Hydrogen might be a good idea (Score 2) 104

Methinks the push to hydrogen is driven by those with large investments in fossil fuel tech who believe that some of it can be reused for hydrogen>

There was a lot of talk about hydrogen-powered vehicles 20+ years ago. Everyone has forgotten about it now, but in the very early 2000s there was lots of talk about "A new hydrogen economy".

And nothing ever came of it, because they were never actually serious about it It was nothing more than a distraction, created by the fossil fuel companies to get people chasing a dead-end unworkable technology instead of working on something/anything that might cut into the profits of the fossil fuel companies.


Comment Not Surprising (Score 1) 59

Sirius and XM were originally two separate companies. Several years ago they merged, even though the FCC had put a specific provision in their broadcast licenses prohibiting it. Apparently the FCC just ignored their own rule.

SiriusXM continues to pay huge amounts of money to celebrities so they can do shitty radio shows that nobody listens to.

Comment Re:No automatic install? (Score 1) 35

Why would anyone be upset that they removed something that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place? Just do it quietly in the background and pretend that nothing happened. These companies all have a lot of experience doing sneaky, underhanded things. Why not do something sneaky that is actually good.

Comment Re:Perfect result (Score 4, Interesting) 147

He believes it also hurts Meta's brand in the long run, pointing to the fact that the Canada's federal government, as well as that of British Columbia, other municipalities .... have all pulled their advertising off Facebook and Instagram in retaliation.

What the fucking fuck? If a government agency has some information that they want to get out to people why wouldn't they just post it to their official Facebook account, which can be seen by anyone and is .... you know .... free.

Why are government agencies paying to "advertise" on Facebook and what the fuck are they advertising?

Comment Re:Computer Vision (Score 2, Insightful) 25

The tool works by subtly altering an image's pixels in a way that wreaks havoc to computer vision but leaves the image unaltered to a human's eyes

That sounds suspiciously like marketing bullshit.

Also they're missing a golden opportunity to poison the AI so that it draws dicks on everything.

+1 Funny.

Comment Re:Probably a prudent choice... (Score 1) 41

I like porn, you like porn, everyone likes porn. Even people who publicly crusade against porn always eventually get outed as being consumers of porn.

But porn doesn't have to be everywhere and embedded into everything we do. It's nice to occasionally have a place where there is no porn. And nobody can even define what the fuck "artistic porn" even is.

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