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Comment Re:Really? (Score 0) 153

Plato was a big thinker but he suffered from "left-brain poisoning" which leads to over abstraction, including racism, classism, political parties, communism, and other mental disorders. "Plutonic Ideals" were supposed to be a though experiment originally.

Aristotle did major work to fix Plato's fuzzy-headed thinking.

Comment Bug or Pull Request? (Score 2) 39

> community-powered, open-source project

Has someone written a feature to make this better and it's being ignored?

Or is this a matter of insisting someone else do something?

TBH it sounds like we need a standard for pre-rendered blurb and thumbs.

Extended OpenGraph for thumbs? Or does that exist?

Social media is moving to distributed no matter who dislikes that idea, so make it as efficient as possible, yes, but don't bitch about reality.

Comment "Grab 'em by the pussy"? (Score 1, Insightful) 29

Ah, so they won't be able to ID a little girl by her face but sexual assault is still OK with them?

These people are sick in the head.

The problem of airplane terrorism was solved over a field in Shanksville PA ninety minutes after a plane hit the North Tower.

We'll have to take back the Fourth Amendment if we want it - it won't be returned.

Comment Re: Pay or move on (Score 1) 43

> I'm paying for it.

You'll stop when you get less value from it than the fee is worth.

It sounds like they're lazily destroying their value proposition but Subjective Value Theory says that set point will be different than everybody else.

It's still stupid of them to remove features for paying customers. Probably they are losing devs or hiring unqualified people for non-merit reasons. Their shareholders should be pissed.

FWIW when I was a teen I probably spent $100 a months (in 2024 dollars) on music so I can see why so many people subscribe.

I still own my CD's but only ever listen to the mp3 rips.

Comment Repo (Score 1) 17

I had some problem with a gitlab-ce install some months back where an update failed to install and then new updates filled the disk with the apt cache on it.

I used their docs to clear the problem and get current but there was nothing inherently wrong, just an upgrade error.

This may have preceded the security patch; if it's a common problem people who thought they were OK with automatic updates might be in for quite a surprise.

I am glad gitlab exists but goodness it's up to about 20GB for a half dozen very small text-only repos.

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