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Comment Re:I'm sure it didn't help. (Score 0, Troll) 1040

Joe Stalin, and the Khmer Rouge implemented a solution for these "Vile, disgusting, angry, small-minded, pathetic people." Sounds like you'd have a home with them.

Maybe consider finding common ground, assuming your opponents motives are noble, and convincing them of your ideas would be a better strategy.

Comment Re:Huh. (Score 1) 1297

Monster is a morality judgment that you can't universally define. So those most willing to apply violence constructs the moral framework, defining Monster, etc. Some will always disagree and they'll be dealt with.

As long as people run a government, there will be corruption. The best you can do is minimize it.

Comment Re:Mystery Pits (Score 0, Flamebait) 552

500,000 Iraqi children could have been saved had Saddam adhered to UN resolutions. But that's not his style. No, dead children was his best weapon against the west and people of your persuasion eat it up. So America topples the man at a terrible loss of over 4000 service men and women (people better than anyone on Slashdot) and it's bloody murder and evil imperialism.

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