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Comment Re:well, duh? (Score 1) 353

So like these companies have to actually string a cable for a few hundred yards and pay for that investment over time based on gaining $50 every 100 feet of run length of a cable that costs $5 and maybe $1000 to install?

Wow, that sounds like a reasonable capital investment -- how ever will they be able to sit back and charge tolls without any expense at all?

Comment Re:well, duh? (Score 1) 353

In the USA you can;
1 ) Charge more and provide less and complain that there's too many people.
2 ) Charge more and provide less and complain that there's too few people.
3 ) Charge more and provide less and complain that clients are too far apart -- ignoring the fact that you NEVER paid for the $500 billion in infrastructure in the first place and have not yet used all it's capacity.
4) Charge more and provide less and say any damn thing you want because we've got some weird ass cheerleaders who have been weened on this free market religion.

Comment Re:Details (Score 2, Interesting) 294

There's more concern with artificial sweeteners than just glucose intolerance. They've also seen "thickening of the gut lining" -- it's demonstrable and a clear indication that SOMETHING is going on.

Likely there is an issue with stomach bacteria and an issue where the brain "tastes" sweet and thus primes the body for sweet.

I've moved to using Stevia as much as possible, because I don't look at artificial sweeteners as harmless. It seems that almost all artificial foods should be avoided. There's no point in margarine because butter is better (or use Coconut oil), preservatives hurt stomach bacteria and reduce digestion, a lot of Genetically Modified foods show tumor acceleration in rats and infertility in three generations, and what's next?

It seems to me that it's only a matter of time when we find the folly of artificial foods that are tested on the basis of "large quantities don't kill a rat" and the study was paid for by a billion dollar industry with a vested interest that can lobby government.

And I'm really sick of people in the Pro Science crowd chirping that Genetically Modified is just like cross breeding. The food we eat is so incredibly complex -- we barely have a clue about vitamins much less the macrobiotic processes. We barely understand transgenetic gene transfers that stands a lot of concepts of "Darwinist evolution" on its head and that's yet to sync into main stream thinking. Not all GM foods are alike and HOW the genes are transferred matter and YES, putting the genes of an animal in a tomato is something to pay close attention to.

The problem is we've let a profit-driven industry dictate a massive experiment on humankind -- and that's just nuts. The cells of the body are 90% bacteria -- and modern Western medicine barely acknowledges the role this colonial symbiosis plays on humanity.

It's amazing we haven't wiped ourselves out.

Comment Re:I hope it crashes and burns (Score 2) 183

Well doesn't Objective C lock a developer into a single platform? Where else are these iOS apps going to run without a recompile and platform dependencies?

Is the Java based Android running apps on other platforms like iOS or Microsoft's?

The Open Phone platform is either low performance apps with middleware, or a Unicorn parade. I do see that you should be careful of lockin -- but isn't everyone already locked in anyway?

Comment Re:I hope it crashes and burns (Score 1) 183

Your choice on iOS is javascript + HTML, Objective C, or using some third party like Unity. The iOS has been able to eke out an advantage over other phones for battery life and the ability to run large games ONLY BECAUSE they forced this "writing to hardware" with Objective C.

Objective C is difficult and the other options are for low performance apps that are little more than cobbled web pages.

The need for Swift is great, and I've been using it to jump back into programming; it is well thought out and straight forward. Instead of making it appear on all platforms and support the lowest common denominator, I'd rather it mature a bit and get some good libraries.

I can understand an automatic distrust for new languages -- but it's not like the platform is riddled with adequate alternatives. And Swift appears to solve a lot of real usability problems without sacrificing power.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 1) 635

NOTE: Ahead of the expected misconstruing of what I'm saying; the Antarctic is considered a desert due to it's very low rainfall. However, if there is more fresh water rain -- that could be creating the ice, or when we have many icebergs calving that are the size of Rhode Island -- that means the ice gets broken up or sloughs off, creating a spreading.

The ice may also be very thin. More or less ice doesn't automatically mean anything -- and I don't KNOW the facts, I'm just throwing down reasons for what we see. It's very likely this does NOT mean the Antarctic got cooler.

Comment Re:It's getting hotter still! (Score 4, Interesting) 635

Agreed. The "spreading out" of thin ice might just be due to a lot of ice falling off the Antarctic and more precipitation -- if it were cooler, you'd have less.

This might a good "negative" feedback mechanism that reduces overall infrared absorption -- at least in Antarctica, but likely not enough to curb the trend.

But those who say " we need more research" before affecting someone's profits -- well, they will think this proves something.

Comment Re:In other words nobody is born smart (Score 1) 269

People are 90% bacteria.

When we are born -- it's not just genes we get, there is likely a whole scaffolding system from the Mother that passes on Mitochondria to protein based information. It seems the search for intelligence has been too reductionist to JUST DNA and not looking at the embryonic stage where environment and mother switch on and off different components and equip the baby with a complex immune system, GI tract. It's like saying a "computer" is smart based just on the CPU and not paying attention the what programs were installed.

Comment Re:"Caught" (Score 1) 364

And it translates to MORE REVENUE for police departments have moved away from "protect and serve" to "find that revenue".

Fines are supposed to discourage a certain behavior. And in the case of the poor, the fines are not reduced based on income -- they are a higher percentage of that person's income. The theory of discouragement is therefore false because the poor get a greater penalty relative to the rich, and they also are fined more frequently. Guilt or Innocence meet equal punishment as well, if not more so for the costs involved if you go to trial to prove innocence in the vain attempt to get rid of an automatic fine.

The police don't like you that day; you get a fine. That's all that matters.

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