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Comment Re: Send a robot (Score -1) 84

OK, fine, but how does that change the fact that no one will ever colonize the Moon or have a vacation condo on Mars or mine an asteroid?

That isn't a "fact." That's an idiotic belief.

At least my life is *real*

Your life is pathetic, and a disgrace to humanity. Do the world a favor: dig a big hole, then climb in and pull the dirt in behind you.

Comment Re:Local testing works? (Score -1) 778

Gotta love libertarian logically fallacious reasoning. Calling something a name constitutes an argument, apparently.

I can't believe your idiotic post got modded +5 Informative. Just goes to show how ignorant most Slashdotters are of economics.

Can you decline to use the service?

If I can't, then it's slavery. Full stop.

Can you decline to use the economic benefits from having interstate highways?

You mean the interstate highway system that was built and designed in a period of cheap oil, surrounded by a thousand other government projects designed around the idea of having a cheap oil, which handicap America now that oil isn't so cheap any more?

How does that benefit me, exactly, with oil being $100+ a barrel and no chance of it ever being cheap again?

Can you decline to benefit from having clean water and safe food?

Clean water and safe food are not the product of government. The product of government is organizations like the EPA and FDA, who are parasites serving no other purpose than to continually suck dollars from the average Joe's pocket, while enacting countless rules and regulations to tell him what to do.

Can you decline to benefit economically from a nationally enforced currency and social stability from a commonly applied law?

Except that the nationally enforced currency you're so in love with, the U.S. Dollar, is a scam. The Federal Reserve system that you're so in love with are master scam artists, who are robbing this country blind through inflation and other financial trickery.

Social stability....are you fucking stupid? Take a good look around, asshat. What's so "stable" about a country that is now six years into the Great Depression 2.0, and is tearing itself apart at the seams because certain groups of people in this country (including me and all my friends) and sick and fucking tired of idiots like yourself constantly burying us in your economic horseshit? We are less than 5 years out from a Revolution. Pull your head out of your own asshole.

Actually, yes you can. You decline to use the service by leaving society. Don't like it? Tough. You can actually leave, and you won't pay taxes.

My people have been in this land since long before your pissant ancestors decided to move here. I'm not going anywhere. It is YOU and YOUR ilk who will leave MY land and stop trying to enslave my people.. Or die. It's your choice.

Like I said, your ilk's systems are self-defeating.

Look in the mirror: you are a relic of the past. You have already been defeated, but you're too fucking stupid to see it.

Comment Re:failure of scope... (Score 0) 136

What an idiotic statement. I am a veteran of the US Air Force who did two tours in Afghanistan. One time I personally helped fire a rocket at a truck of "suspected insurgents" (read: some guys we just targeted because we were pissed off at getting mortared every day) with a Javelin missile, blowing it to pieces....sending half the flaming wreckage rolling down into a nearby orchard, killing an old man. His granddaughter was not so lucky; she lost an arm and an eye. You should have heard the whooping and cheering when we saw that big ass explosion. It was really cool! The only other person I met who seemed to show any doubt about what we'd done was the young (20-22 year old) combat medic who had to patch her up.

War is hell. Get a clue, you fucking useful idiot.

Comment That's not it (Score -1) 126

UTF-8 support doesn't mean what the XML/HTML contains. It means what characters can you post on here without it getting fucked up by slashdot. So those of you whose eyes were plucked out by ravens and now use a text-to-speech interpreter to use the Beta site--do you see this? UTF-8 characters follow:

Comment Re:That means some theft is justifiable (Score -1) 156

Oh, BTW, Putin has some taxes for your to pay him.

Right, because taxation is the only thing stopping Putin from taking over America.

Lowering taxes didn't supercharge the economy in the year 2000, now. Did it?

Unless and until your understanding of the world stretches back at the very least a couple hundred years, then you understand nothing.

Taxation in this country has been steadily increasing ever since it was founded, and especially since Lincoln's war of aggression on the Southern states destroyed the original Republic and replaced it with an Empire.

What happened in 2000 is irrelevant. The country was already on the ropes back then, due to excessive government, and nothing has improved over the past 15 years.

Comment Bzzt....wrong (Score -1) 334

. When you take your clothes off in front of a camera, there should not be consequences beyond your partner being aroused. That the woman in the article has to worry about her "reputation" is what is wrong

Sorry, no. This is delusional thinking; the sort of thing that's common in a society that absolutely zero fucking clue what personal responsibility is. If your dumb ass allows your boyfriend to jizz in your face on camera, and he later posts it on the internet, thats your fault for being a foolish dumb ass. Next time don't be a dumb ass.

Comment Wrong, asshole (Score -1) 334

You did enter a contract when taking the pictures, and the contract was that the images were intended was for mutual enjoyment. When the romantic relation is over, this contract is broken, therefore in principle you lose the right to use the images.

You do not have the right to tell me who or what I'm allowed to take a picture of, and share with whomever I please.

No, I don't give a fuck what your corrupt government claims. It's immoral. If I take a picture, I own it, and there is nothing you can do about it.

If you don't want someone taking a picture of you naked and sharing it with the world, then the solution is simple: don't date somebody who would do such a thing.

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