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Comment Too much (Score 1) 287

Pure datacenter are: 2 firewalls, 1 Sun X2100, 1 QNAP NAS, 1 PC, 1 Raspberry, 1 VoIP-Gateway, 1 Homematic automation server, WLAN Controller
In the network: 5 mobile devices, 2 PC, 1 Notebook, BluRay-Player, 4 Audio Devices (Sonos), 2 Access Points, 2 USB-via-IP extender, Printer, Scanner, multiple IP-based sensors

Comment Disagree (Score 1) 288

Is the duty for password complexity correctly placed on the users shoulder? I think not...

The users has two jobs:

1. Select a password he can remember
2. Choosing a password someone else does not associate with him

Raising password complexity requirements makes those two jobs harder. In my observation, with rising password complexity, the users tend to re-use passwords more often (which is more detrimental to security than a less complex password).

For password complexity to matter, the service provider must have failed (lost the data) and succeeded (choosen a half-way decent algorithm) at the same time.

Therefor i consider the burden of password complexity wrongly plaxced at the users end.

Comment Better than the Nest Protect? (Score 1) 167

I hope the Nest Thermostat is better than the Nest Protect Smoke Detector. Those gave me a case of serious "early adopter burn".

The Nest Protect detectors have the tendency to generate false alarms in clean air (no smoke, no dust, no steam) and are very hard to disable (get a ladder, dismount, get a screw driver, open device, remove battery). The idea of disabling a false alarm by WIFI has not occurred to them yet :-(.

Comment Re:Windows XP still at 28.98% (Score 1) 470

The system will not receive any updates any more while sharing a code base with newer systems. Any patch coming for Vista/7/8 starting April will be analyzed for a matching bug in XP which will be turned into exploits quickly.

Any Windows XP system will be a real liability when connected to the Internet.

Comment Re:Long overdue (Score 1) 415

Kernighan and Ritchie were well aware of Turing completeness. Dennis Ritchie started with Theoretical Computer Science before he wrote his first software (see http://www.gotw.ca/publications/c_family_interview.htm). You can be sure that designing C without Turing Completeness would have been for them like designing a car without tires.

Languages without Turing Completeness only make sense only in special applications because they are so limited (e.g. the C PreProcessor is not Turing Complete unless you use it recursively).

One of the marvels of the Turing machine is that it is so simple (you can describe what a Turing machine does on 2-3 pages) but it is as powefull in expression as modern languages with specification of thousands of pages are.

A lot of coders have no idea about the theories behind it. That is why a lot of code sucks. It's not the lack of Turing machines but on the theories that are connected to it (e.g automata theory, complexity theory).

What you are saying is like: I am tiler, i never check the foundation when i am building the roof, so it can't be important ;-).

You can make a living as a coder without all that knowledge. More than half of the coders do. But if you look at the people who shape the world of software (like Dennis Ritchie, Linus Torvalds, James Gosling, etc), you will notice they all are well versed in the area of computer science theories.

P.S. Concerning AI and Turing Test: computer games have no AI. The producers of computer games call their software opponents AI, but they are a collection heuristical algorithms cobbled together.

When you are playing agains an opponent, you can usually tell easily wether this is a computer or not. In fact, you are conducting a Turing Test then and the other side fails usually miserably.

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