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Comment Surprise.... (Score 1) 98

A post from Cpt. Obvious. I guess you will be hard pressed to find people on Slashdot who actually think the Klout score really says something about another person.

The purpose of the Klout score is, that some day people somehow will pay Klout for increasing their Klout score ;-).

Comment Infighting (Score 2) 46

No one knows what the regime will do next, not us and neither the people they supposedly govern. Structured like they are, such governments become a cesspit of intrigue and internal struggles. This event has the certain smell of infighting. Just look up the sorry excuse of a statement about the "involuntary" block. ï

Comment Re:What about... (Score 2) 266

Does the EU require a 2 year warranty on calendars? How does that work?

Usually well ;-).

In the first six months, any burden of proof is on the side of the vendor. So unless it's obvious that it wasn't used according to the specs, replacement is painless.

After six months, the burden of prood switches over to the buyer. Which may be a hassle, but doesn't need to be.

Comment Ethics? (Score 2) 123

The possibility raises questions about Microsoft [...] as well as about the ethics of the zero day exploit market.

You're kidding me, right? You expect ethics on a market whose primary customers are spies and criminals? Selling to manufacturer is only the sale of the last resort.....

Comment What is your goal? (Score 2) 241

The answer depends on what you do hope to achieve by reporting.

If you hope the people to stop:

In case the origin is a company within you country, contacting them may you do some good. They will pull the plug on their malware infested machine. Attacker will use others.

In all other cases the only chance to have any kind of effect is to report dramatic damages to the law enforcement. Other than that, nobody cares enough ;-). Even with dramatic damages, the chances for any effect are slim to none.

IMHO: In 90+% of all cases the answer is /dev/null the economical best answer.

Comment Old joke (Score 1) 320

The question reminds a of an old joke:

A man comes with Chicken McNuggets to a veterinarian and says "Doctor, Doctor, isn't there anything you can do?"

Seriously: Any infected PC should be treated as it would contain contact poison. I would at least low format the hard disk and completely rebuild the system. In doubt i would rather loose data than allowing the infection to spread.

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