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Comment Re:Fine, Oregon (Score 1) 8

I called my congressman (Kenny Marchant) and left a message with a staffer, and send him a tweet asking him to support Gohmert for Speaker.

Sadly, Marchant voted for Boehnerdict The Orange. Oh well, don't blame me -- I voted for Grant Stinchfield in the last primary...

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 8

The fact that if you take away the horrible turnovers early in the game against Alabama, and Ohio State having to settle for field goals twice after 1st and Goal, then Ohio State beats Alabama even worse than the 42-35 score that was the final. When you look past just the score, and into the time of possession, yardage, etc, Ohio State whipped Alabama's ass.

That 59-0 destruction of Wisconsin also influences me.

Yes, Oregon dismantled the Florida State Criminoles, but Florida State was a paper tiger all year. Oregon hasn't seen a defense as fast as OSU's. Super Mariota is going to be pressured like he hasn't been all year.

Oregon also hasn't seen a back like Ezekiel Elliot.

Comment Re:I stand, too (Score 1) 15

Your right to claim blasphemy ends when you set foot outside the mosque.

.... I disagree, they can claim blasphemy all they want. The problem is that the prescription for that blasphemy is death.

Here's an example.

I'm Catholic, and therefore, I think all Protestants are blaspheming heretics when they deny the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.*(see below)

My prescription is that all Protestants do the following:
+ Renounce their silly Calvinistic / Lutheran blasphemies and false teachings like the concept of a "Rapture"
+ Go to Confession
+ Join an RCIA program and (re)join the Catholic Church

And if they don't, well, I'll leave them alone.

See? That's far preferable to "KILL THEM NOW!!!" So the claim of blasphemy isn't the problem, it's the "fix" for the blasphemy.

* No, I don't really think all Protestants are heretics. Just misinformed.

Comment Re:They realized how badly they screwed up (Score 2) 176

The movie probably sucks. But bowing down to pressure from North Korea is ridiculous.

I am sure Hitler did not like The Great Dictator, but if he had tried to blackmail a US company into cancelling it, we would have laughed at him.

Sony should have done the same. I don't care what they got from the stolen emails, the only way to deal with terrorists demanding obedience is a bullet to their head, not a bow to to their feet.

How tough would you be if a foreign government had you singled out and was threatening your kids or spouse?

Just curious internet tough guy.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ferguson 2 4

So I'm seeing a bunch of wailing and caterwauling from the Left about how the riots hurt minority owned businesses...

Comment Re:Such a shame (Score 1) 38

To bad your faction is aiding and abetting, actually scaring people (but not too many, lest you upset the carefully cultivated 50-50 split that keeps the game going) into voting for democrats with the 'crazy' act.

Crazy, you say? Here's crazy, with a smattering of stupid thrown in. Ladies and gentlemen, the modern liberal:

Hank Johnson, D-GA
Sheila Jackson Lee, D-TX
Calvacade of Liberal Democrats

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