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Comment Re:Oh shut up (Score 3, Informative) 530

This keep cropping up in this thread, and I don't know why. The policy is online, and does not contain the word "Mayor", or the phrase "designated agent", or any of the many other things that are supposedly in it. So he did not follow policy in this respect.

What is in the policy is the actual policy for system level passwords, and the enable password for network kit is definitely a system level password. It states:

"All production system-level passwords must be part of the security administered global password management database."

Simple, clear, and Childs was definitely in breach of it: only he has these enable passwords, and did not put them in the database.

For him to argue that the rules for personal passwords applied to system-level passwords and take it to ridiculous extremes - well, this was always bound to end in tears.

Comment Re:The difference is quality (Score 1) 134

This is straight up bullshit, I don't know if you live in Klan Country but I have lived within the US in California and Arizona and I'm not sure if a more diverse set of people live anywhere else in the world.

I would say England is more diverse - in London there are more than 300 different languages spoken in schools (and an estimated 700 spoken in all). For comparison in Los Angeles there are 92 spoken in schools (and 224 in all).

I agree though - anyone who thinks the US is not open to other cultures has strange opinions.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 349

I love it. Gullibility by design (TM), the new prescription. The disturbing part of the equation is that price is part of the effect, so I'd expect that a 50$ pill could have a bigger placebo effect than a 5$ pill of identical composition, provided that the patients know it.

This is in fact true - more expensive placebos are more effective than cheaper ones (well, ones that the patient believe are more expensive).

Comment Re:Before we act too hastily.. (Score 1) 342

If you find our tactics heavy handed or obtrusive then I think you might have a skewed and excessively open expectation of what should be allowed on a network.

Not really - I just think you have a unwarranted faith in the effectiveness of antivirus products to prevent abberent behaviour. The best AV does not detect all malware, and no AV will do well against zeroday attacks. A better policy (for the clueless user who got themselves into the situation in the first place) would be to ensure that the machine is patched automatically, it has automatically updating antivirus software, and probably something against spyware installed too. Basically if you are going to take it upon youself to insist that the user installs security software (to the point of bringing in a receipt from a "professional") do it properly.

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