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Comment Re:Linearization (Score 1) 553

It's because closer to the bottom of the gravity well, the planck length actually decreases. It's hard to visualize, but imagine a set of gridpoints that must always exist, and when you drop a ball of mass into it, it pushes the gridoints near it closer together, since it can't cover them up. The distance between those points gets closer together. Things can only travel from planck point to planck point (nothing can exist outside of one of these points), and since the ones near the mass are closer together, there is a tendency for things to strike those points more often, and thus the motion of the object appears to bend towards the mass.

I just made that up last night. Nobel prize please!

Comment Re:I thought they.. (Score 1) 635

Whadda I know.... I just sit in my office designing / validating psychologically sound tests all day...

You sound angry. Tell me how you feel about this.

Does it please you to believe that I sound angry tell you how I feel about this?

Do you feel that I should be pleased to believe that you sound angry to tell me how you feel about this?


Climate Engineering As US Policy? 355

EricTheGreen writes "The Associated Press has an article featuring Obama administration science advisor John Holdren discussing potential climate engineering responses to global warming. Among the possible approaches? His own version of Operation Dark Storm — shooting micro-particulate pollution high into the atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays. I'm sure the rest of the world would have no issue with that at all, of course. Yikes ..."

Comment Re:Sesame Street & the Importance of Bilingual (Score 4, Interesting) 1077

If you think Finnish or Hungarian are difficult, you should play around with the languages spoken by some of the native north americans... Imagine infixes, where you split apart a word and stick a new syllable in between the two halves to conjugate... and those conjugations are based on the physical position in space the speaker is to the object, and which direction he's facing!!! And that doesn't even take into account the tones and the respect-level modifiers!

Comment Re:Been following this for awhile. (Score 1) 1240

"Her assertion should not be misread to infer that she never broke school rules," the district said of Ms. Redding in a brief, "only that she was never caught."

That assertion that our school district isn't a cover for a child porn ring doesn't mean that we don't molest children every day of the week, only that we haven't been caught.

Comment No Justice, No Peace? (Score 5, Insightful) 333

From TFA: "Do you know, young man, how much money it's going to cost you to defend yourselves against Jones Day?"

So, basically, here's a just saying, point blank, that he's not in the business of justice... that it's irrelevant if you are right in the eyes of the law, if you don't have enough money, you lose. It's refreshing to see a judge being so honest.

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