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Comment Re:Anarchy??? (Score 5, Interesting) 302

He's a police officer...he doesn't understand any kind of design other than an Authoritarian hierarchy. You can tell him how the internet works, and he won't believe you...or he'll look at the DNS servers, see the hierarchy there, and claim that it is hierarchical after all. He's spent his entire life fighting against 'Anarchy' (watchword), and he'll be damned if he'll let it exist once he's discovered a 'nest' of it.

He's off in his own little world, fighting a war against tilting windmills...

Comment Re:lol (Score 5, Insightful) 302

Agreed. The man has zero understanding of how the internet works...he might as well have said "let's all meet together on Sunday with our flying rainbow pegasuses." And it's painfully the point where I am running out of facepalms for this year...I just can't handle the stupid. Obnoxious third-parties spitballing bad ideas at hundreds of miles per hour starts to add up...IT doesn't get paid to do their own job anymore, let alone put up with this political shit.

The next time some moron gets up to talk about 'fixing duh Interwebs,' I vote we trap 'em in a room with a router, with their release contingent upon successfully configuring it. I'll even be kind and leave the manual in there so they'll have something to read.

Comment Re:Solution: Financial Independence (Score 5, Interesting) 109

Nada. We're in the middle of some of the worst right now. There's a piece up somewhere...can't remember if the link was on fark, gawker, or vice...but they gave a decent explanation of things are being run today (look for the Olive Garden piece) -> there is zero interest is keeping these companies alive, now it's about stripping them of their assets, and getting them to pay a hefty dividend. Feel me? Microsoft today is not the Microsoft of yesterday; Microsoft of yesterday made software; Microsoft of today is a corporate giant that could cut all of its employees, sell off then lease the buildings it currently occupies, sell off its name in certain areas (Microsoft ice cream, etc.), and so on. It's going to die only after it's been pimped out to every piece of gutter trash that the Street can find. And it's brain? Completely controlled by people with the worst intentions for it. It's like one of those zombified snails.

Comment Right... (Score 4, Insightful) 182

"Oculus Rift CEO Says Classrooms of the Future Will Be In VR Goggles"...and people will live out their lives in self-contained tubes.

I swear, when some of these CEOs talk about new technologies for education, you can hear the line from The Hudsucker Proxy in the background ("You know...for kids!").

"we can have relationships and communication that are just as good as the real classroom" -> *facepalms* Drop the Web 2.0 'Social Media' bullshit. "It's a social thing, where you communicate with other people, doing other social things, kind of like a party or something, but using our technology!" -> Someone please kill me, it's the same story every single time. Why not just promote the damn VR stuff for what it can do that RL (real life) can't do? Displaying stuff that can't fit into a classroom, like a tesseract. You have this great technology which can be used to push the boundary of what students are exposed to these days, and these jokers want to use it for a glorified chatroom. Gah!

Comment Re:So if I... (Score 3, Interesting) 363

Indeed. Looks like the BBC has derped a little too hard recently.

But let's be honest, the endless assault on IT has been ongoing for some time. 'Cloud services,' 'NSA firmware,' 'H1B personnel,' etc., etc. Government / business isn't done until the internet won't run.

Here's to hoping that there's a planet out there that doesn't suffer from this insanity.

Comment Bits and Bytes (Score 1) 548

Sometimes doing things the insane way is the sanest method available.

Let me explain:

A new programmer will look for a method to transform one object to another another; a new programmer will write a method to transform some bytes into some other bytes.

A (slightly more seasoned) programmer will realize that even though you are using a higher-level language, someone inevitably said "f*ck it" at some point, and built byte arrays[] and so on into the various namespaces / classes, and that it's more of a search for the right namespace than inventing the wheel for the 5000th time. From the usual 'sane' standpoint, resorting the byte[] arrays in a high level language kind of defeats the purpose of using a high level language, and yet, somehow, between the hours of 1-3 AM, it makes perfect sense for a high level language to be filled with all these nitty gritty options.

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