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Comment Re:I enjoyed the article ... (Score 1) 106

I'm an old man retired from the business about six months ago.

Systems people tend to piss me off, from college professors, through IT departments, all the way up to management.

It's mostly ego, insecurity, paranoia, and pockets of silos.

I won't blather on, but, simply put, I mentor that the word "user" is for manuals and should be referred to the "U" word elsewhere. People are our coworkers. We all show up to support the same mission statement: "To get people to give our Firm money and feel good about it."

When I buy equipment, my whole Firm has to swim harder against the expense side of the ledger to keep up.

And that's all I have to say about that. ~ Forrest Gump

Comment I enjoyed the article ... (Score 3, Insightful) 106

... I have heard of these before, but it's good to get a run-down.

Stuxnet is my fav. It reminds me of the "drunk walk" algorithm I entered into a TRS-80 using BASIC, back in 1978 and stuff.

As an IT person, reading the article was like looking up symptoms for an illness: I think I have every fatal disease and hackers are crawling all over my system.

Comment Re:Not relevant? (Score 1) 89

Good question.

We more than comply with reasonable request.

Similar circumstances apply to physical break-in.

Did we have locks? Were the windows sealed? Do we have physical intrusion detection, etc?

Is the phone room sealed? Are the servers and backup tapes and paper files in a secure area?

Your point is valid and the answer is "due diligence."

Comment Shake a desk drawer ... (Score 1) 479

... people have walked in on me doing this with vendors:

Them: OK, now pry the back off and unseat the doohickey and re-tighten all screws.

Me: [Shake desk drawer] OK, done.

Them: What are the new indications?

Me: [On speakerphone getting work done] Same thing.

Them: [Eventually] Looks like the thing you told us about half an hour ago is defective. We will send you a new one.

Me: You're a genius.

Comment Re:Not relevant? (Score 2) 89

I don't disagree entirely.

Clouds are a huge attack surface populated by some impressive names.

Hell, the feds can't keep their doors shut.

I do the best I can with my law firm in-house and I use best of breed off the shelf protection.

That's my risk assessment.

I don't sell widgets and it's already in the news that Bubba got in a car wreck and stuff.

Comment Jane, you ignorant slut ... (Score 3, Insightful) 546

... you're assuming Snowden had access to more than "need to know," and that he was far down the chain of command and somewhat removed from the atmosphere of responsibility and duty.

That doesn't sound plausible.

Oh, wait.

Manning, Pfc.

Walks in with a Lady Gaga disk and walks out with the goods.


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