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Comment It's science, for god's sake ... (Score 1) 272

WHY don't they know the impact?

When I was in this man's Navy (US) out on the Big Pond, we used practice depth charges all the time, and that was way back when Moby Dick was a minnow.

We killed 30,000 shrimp one time and, I'm sorry ... they deserved it for doing performance art where their echo pattern looked like a submarine. They weren't "a" submarine, but they were submarine.

Anyway, if we can construct punny remarks that amuse the author, I'm certain we could test this idea with small underwater sonic booms and do a surface body count charted against Db to see if we can eliminate, " [Scientists] ...aren't sure how the cannons will affect fish and other sea creatures or how any physiological effects on them may impact the fishing industries of the U.S."

Comment Don't ask; I'm not telling ... (Score 5, Insightful) 383

Yeah, my company escorted me out the gate because I was a network jockey and they didn't want me to sabotage the system.

Two days later they're calling me with, "How do we ...," and "What's the passwords for ...," and "Where are the ..."

I offered to respond by email:

"The Firm has made the decision to "right-size" its IT department to better align with strategies going forward. In support of that decision, I know the Firm has retained the very best-of-breed systems analysts and I think we should rely on those superior personnel to figure out what knowledge I departed with. I know you will agree that Firm policy prohibits sensitive communication with non-employees and it is with a spirit of cooperation that I decline to ever speak to any of you ever again."

Comment It's about time ... (Score 1) 37

... that America participates in science experiments on American soil.

We passed on Waxahachie, Tex. and many of the world's premier scientists are having coffee at the LHC. America could have detected the Higgs boson.

Hopefully, we'll get lucky and find something worth contributing regarding dark matter.

Then, America would be one of the cool peeps.

Comment Microsoft's only commodity is ... (Score 4, Interesting) 300

... stocks.

They sell stocks. They cater to the shareholder and that's a money-grubbing bunch of folks.

Look at Facebook. They are making decisions that are radical departures from their pre-IPO culture. It has to be.

Facebook, too, sells stocks.

Knowing that explains the business model and strategy of public corporations.

Comment The ball is small and it's got this: "$" on it ... (Score 1) 109

Google's prime directive is to make money.

There's the answer to today's question.

Those who don't understand and embrace that first sentence may well start babbling about free speech, 4th estate, bias, or any number of equally irrelevant issues having nothing to do with Google's business model.

Google does not owe anyone the "news," any more than does the news entertainment venues like Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and the likes.

If you're interested in news in the traditional sense, good luck and please remember where you parked.

Money-making ventures report to the shareholders -- not the news desk.

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