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Comment A related concern (Score 5, Funny) 312

I've only recently gotten a smartphone, after being a holdout for a long time. Before that, one of my beefs with smartphone users was that they were always reaching for their phones whenever they might otherwise have been bored. It seemed to me that they had lost something valuable: time to contemplate.

However, now that I have a smartphone, I no longer think about that.

Comment Re:Google engineers... (Score 2) 239

They fail to understand the purpose of e-mail, and as such we would never ever get the most basic and oldest of the e-mail client functions: folders.

That's a primary reason I stuck with Yahoo email for way too long: I didn't like the labeling system that Gmail provides as an alternative to folders. ("When all you have is a search engine hammer, everything looks like a search nail.") Finally, I decided to give in and use Gmail as my primary email service, labels and all. Why? Partly because Yahoo forced a new user interface on me that I didn't like, by shutting down the old version after initially allowing the old and new versions to coexist.
(Which makes Google's "Inbox" sound like deja vu all over again...)

I've tried Inbox a bit but haven't really given it a fair chance yet. My initial impression, though, is a bit negative: basically, it seems to be trying to solve a problem that I don't need solved. And with all the "improvements" it offers, it still doesn't even have folders...

Comment Re:The best reasons to learn Python (Score 1) 277

Read on a bit more. By paragraph 10 he points to increased wages for jobs requiring skill, by paragraph 20 he's getting into jobs requiring trust.

What skill? I've been writing Python for over 10 years. Sure, it took a little while to learn to think Pythonically, but the main selling point is that Python is truly easy. Oh, except for those folks who can't live without braces. And compared to regular dentists, don't orthodontists get paid extra to use braces?...

Comment The best reasons to learn Python (Score 2) 277

For the best reasons to learn Python, see The Zen of Python. If Python happens to pay more, that's just gravy.

That said, it seems hard to believe that people would get paid extra to work in such a pleasant language. If so, maybe Adam Smith had it all wrong when he said:

First, The wages of labour vary with the ease or hardship, the cleanliness or dirtiness, the honourableness or dishonourableness of the employment...The most detestable of all employments, that of public executioner, is, in proportion to the quantity of work done, better paid than any common trade whatever.

Perhaps florists soon will be making more money than plumbers. Which would really stink.

Comment A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma (Score 1) 55

Riddell's algorithm begins with the Wikipedia entries of all authors in the English language edition (PDF)—more than a million of them. His algorithm extracts information such as the article length, article age, estimated views per day, time elapsed since last revision, and so on....Others highly ranked include Somerset Maugham, Winston Churchill, and Malcolm X.

For folks like Winston Churchill and Malcom X who had notable careers outside of writing, I wonder how they distinguish what part of their Wikipedia stats is due to their writing and what part comes from the rest of their careers?

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