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Comment Re:why must human ancestors be involved (Score 2) 89

Male lions will kill rival males in other prides so they can take over mating rights. Both male lions & female lions will kill the cubs of rival prides.

Almost all animals will do this. Some nutball recently tried to release a family of zoo-raised apes back into the wild in Africa. The second they encountered a rival male and his females, the wild-raised male killed the zoo ape and his offspring and took his females as his own.

Nature is ugly. Humans may be the best killers, but we're FAR from the most brutal, remorseless, or vicious ones.

Comment Re:why must human ancestors be involved (Score 1) 89

Mostly because Humans are the only ones that love killing each other.

No, mostly because we like to eat meat and survive. And killing your prey with tools is a shit-ton lot easier than having to hunt it down and do it by hand. The ability to defend that meat against other primates who didn't have tools was just a nice bonus.

Comment Re:We have already figured most of this out. (Score 5, Insightful) 365

We already know how to create biodiesel and other fuels from non fossil sources. If we limited their use to critical needs, and had everything else using renewable electric sources, then we probably could do without oil.

The problem is that we don't just use fossil fuels for fueling our cars and power pants. It makes the polymers used in almost every electrical component. It fuels the industrial mining of almost every metal and mineral used in those components (good luck hand-panning for rare earth minerals, or removing millions of tons of earth using only steam engines). It fuels the entire shipping industry that moves everything around (enabling modern industrial processing of raw materials).

Oil and coal do a fuckload lot more these days than make gasoline for our little cars and run our power plants. That's just the obvious use that most of us see every day. Odds are that every single thing your own today is either made from petrochemicals or somehow heavily dependent on them. I myself own exactly one piece of wood furniture made by a local artisan and a few books left by my great-grandmother that may be exceptions to this. Everything else was shipped using petrol, created with coal-based power, or contains petrochemical based polymers. Even the food I eat is mostly shipped in from large farms and ranches in another part of the country.

Comment Re:No (Score 4, Insightful) 365

It goes much deeper than that. Even something as basic as modern wiring has become heavily dependent on petrochemicals and oil. We would have to relearn a whole new way of making wires with old-fashioned rubber insulation and hand-mined copper. And that's the SIMPLEST thing. Every single component that goes into modern electrical components is heavily dependent on petroleum. We used diesel powered machinery to mine for all the metals. We use petrochemicals and oil dependent polymers to make the insulators and many other parts. To construct a modern electrical grid without petroleum would require a complete re-engineering of our entire manufacturing infrastructure from the ground up (with engineers having to rethink almost almost everything they know).

Comment Re:Weird (Score 1) 71

Does ISIS leadership actually believe that attacking civilian targets and posting threats like these will aid them in achieving victory?

It sure seems to be winning them a lot of disaffected teenage losers from the West lately, though I dare say this benefit pales in comparison with all the money that our "friend" Saudi Arabia is sending them.

Comment Re:Lies, bullshit, and more lies ... (Score 5, Interesting) 442

Even if U.S. STEM grads could get work, H1B's artificially drive down the wages so much that they wouldn't get paid shit even if they found work.

It's like farm labor back in the 90's in my hometown. When I was in high school and college (early 90's), you could make good money cutting tobacco for local farmers during the summer. They paid $7/hr. back when the minimum wage was around $3. A few years after that I went back to my hometown and asked some old buddies if they still cut tobacco in the summers. They told me that all the local farmers had started hiring illegals. And now all the tobacco cutting jobs only paid $4/hr.

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