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Comment Re:If you insist on keeping physical hardware (Score 1) 446

A burning house will transfer *much* more heat than a stove. There are thousands of kinds of steel, many quality steels do well in a house fire. Others become a problem like the 14 gauge lightweight cold formed elements used in many steel-framed houses. They fail and a house made with those will collapse even faster than all-wood house!

Comment Re:If you insist on keeping physical hardware (Score 4, Interesting) 446

And that's folks is why extrapolating from a little book learning to try to engineer reality without experiment or experience leads to failure. A typical house fire burns at over a thousand degrees F for about half an hour. Not only will your water be gone, so will your plastic or steel aluminum bucket.

Comment Re:No mystery at all (Score 4, Insightful) 111

Not a matter of coal mining, but rather some fields make a huge of amount of methane so collection facilities are located there. This region is the largest producing commercial coalbed methane one in the nation. Thus no mystery and no surprise, it's like someone suddenly decided they needed funding for a study and are harping on something I knew 30+ years ago.

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