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Comment Re:Simple: respect (Score 1) 823

The only place I think least-common-denominator language needs to be used is official communications: government-provided signs or legal notices and that sort of thing. Other than that, I cannot support the over-simplification of the English language. It really does only serve to limit the means of expression and therefore emotional breadth of discourse.

Comment Re:drugs can help (Score 1) 823

If you're a neuroscientist then why are you claiming that MDMA is habit-forming? Every possible action or inaction in the world is habit-forming given the right user and mindset. There must be some research to back up your claim, right? I keep up with modern medicine quite a bit and it seems that as soon as politics are out of the picture, the demons of "illegal" drugs mysteriously up and vanish. I can't possibly recommend listening to the advice of a faction that censors itself for political and not medical reasons. Big pharma has long ago lost my trust by approving a number of terrible medicines and never trying to fight for a lot of wonderful ones -- because it is not profitable enough. The bottom line, helping the individual, is not important enough. Sad.

Comment Re:Simple: respect (Score 1) 823

You may think you're being precise, or avoiding obfuscation, but all you're doing is annoying people.

You are being perfectly dismissive of the large number of people that find language entertaining, those who do not think the most boring way to express something is necessarily also the most apt. I can appreciate you don't care about language at the same level that I do. Can you?

Comment Re:drugs can help (Score 2) 823

This is very true. Check out for more information on MDMA-assisted-therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder, Psilocybin-assisted-therapy for terminal cancer anxiety and depression, and much more. This country is generally afraid of some of the most promising drugs for psychotherapy simply because the peace and well-being they impart is recreationally useful. We do this in spite of many legal prescriptions being recreationally-useful themselves: opiates, stimulants, anxiolytics.... Entheogens are a very promising path but one to tread carefully because of how little legitimate information makes it through the filters of political and social rhetoric.

Comment Re:Less arrogance = better interactions with other (Score 1) 823

Finally, I had to recognize that social skills, like all other skills, improve with practice. I used put my foot in my mouth all the time: I'd say something that would commit me to a fact, idea, or opinion, often an extreme one (said very loudly), then I'd have trouble walking back from it. That would be really embarrassing, especially when it turned out what I said was something I didn't really want to say, or was wrong. Sometimes I would blurt something out that would bother me for days afterwards. It really helped when I started treating this like a skill to be improved. I tried to treat each of those things as a learning opportunity. What did I say wrong? How could I prevent myself from doing that in the future? Almost always, the answer turned out to be to qualify absolute statements with phrases like "I think" or "It might be true that" or "Maybe." Often, the answer would just be to keep my mouth shut for a few extra sentences and listen.

You can admit you are wrong without speaking in weasel-words. That's part of confidence. Be unafraid of making mistakes and unafraid of owning your mistakes.

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