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Comment Why is this on Slashdot? (Score 1) 266

Yes it's another one of these types of posts, but in all seriousness, why is this on slashdot.org? Most of the articles on Slashdot at least pertain to the "news for nerds" category in some way, but this?:

These 'water witches', draped in dubious pseudoscience or self-assembled mythologies—or both—typically use divining rods and some sort of practiced intuition to "find" water. The professional variety do so for a fee. And business is booming. They're just part of a storied tradition of pseudoscientific hucksters exploiting our thirst for water, with everything from cloudbusters to rainmachines to New Age rituals. [Source text above]

Comment Re:Sandboxing (Score 1) 331

a) Sandboxed browsers/apps: Different browsers for mail access, general browsing and sensitive browsing (banking, using credit card, etc). All browsers revert to base state after closing, or allowing just a limited set of changes (bookmarks, cookies). The browsers are possibly stored in a USB stick with a physical write protection switch for part of the storage.

Persuading the general public to live without the convenience of their all-in-one extension-riddled browser can be pretty difficult, though.

Comment Re:Not Government (Score 1) 457

Simply ignoring these posts ("Don't feed the Trolls") would help . That way, if it's really a "troll", they don't get the attention they want, and if it's simply an honest opinion, people who see those posts as "trolling" won't spark useless arguments. People who see those arguments rationally will continue posting rational responses anyways, and that will probably continue, and that's not a problem. There's always the "flag for review" option anyways.

Comment Re:Gettin All Up In Yo Biznis (Score 1) 419

Would you do it if they were reading comic books about war? Watching movies? Watching 50s movies with John Wayne about war? Reading novels about war? Playing war in the yard? If they started playing cops and robbers in the back yard with the neighbor kids, is it time to haul them off to a Scared Straight session at a prison, to impress upon them the harsh realities of a life of crime? This whole story is a tale of over-reaction that only seemed to have occurred, because "oh my god, video games!".

Well, people did use to get themselves into knots over controversial content in "required-reading" books from school...

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
