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Comment Something's not quite right about this story (Score 1) 367

The only places the PETA president's quote can be found are Scripps media outlets, and they're all by the same author, and they all use the same friggin web template.

"Google has no business using camels to 'cutesy up' its data-collection imagery," said Ingrid E. Newkirk...

Comment This reason was the best one I heard. (Score 1) 399

Reddit user "cranbourne" says:

        Microsoft dev here, the internal rumours are that early testing revealed just how many third party products that had code of the form:

        if (version.StartsWith("Windows 9")) { /* 95 and 98 */
                } else {

and that this was the pragmatic solution to avoid that. /Stolen from soylent news.

Comment Since no one reads the friggn article (Score 4, Interesting) 130

Here's what Gates actually said:

I read his comment as: "the [pseudo] anonymity of virtual currency technology is what's holding it back". And since there's little context provided in the FA or the vid, I'm going to go ahead and assume Gates' comments referred to virtual currencies in general - not just bitcoin.

Comment Re:These viral samples need to come with their own (Score 1) 209

Actually my idea would have stopped this release as well as... all of the improper releases of plague samples over the last few decades.

So why haven't you patented the ide...oh, never mind.

Explain how my concept doesn't solve the problem please.

because dogecoin. (you're welcome)

Comment Re:I am completely done with the GOP (Score 1) 283

You obviously never listened to anything Reagan talked about.

I voted for Reagan.

He'd be the candidate instantly.


All your media is homogeneous and collaborative with those in power.


Feels good to know it's your team doing that, eh?

Remind me...who's my team again? Is it the "Guys who Voted for Reagan" team?

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