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Comment Re:That's because (Score 5, Insightful) 227

You pay for xbox live and your games are more expensive. A PC can be built for 600$ which beats an Xbox One and will quickly beat it in price if you only buy games from online sales (which you really should). Also, consider that a computer is needed anyway. Then it's no longer even the full price of the PC that you must consider, but the extra you are paying to have a gaming PC vs a working PC. Then the advantage is even more in the PC's favour. The inherent backward compatibility and mods inherent to the platform put the final nail in the coffin.

Your analogy fails because dragsters can achieve a higher top speed, but are inherently limited compared to normal cars. For games, PCs can have more raw power and are more versatile.

Comment So predictable... (Score 0) 928

This thread has predictably devolved into a bunch of people waging holy war on systemd. The reality is that most arguments against systemd come from an emotional place, not a rational one. It works fine for arch users and it works fine for all the distros that are adopting it. This is like the unity backlash: Ubuntu is still #1, so that didn't really accomplish anything.

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