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Comment Re:That's because (Score 5, Insightful) 227

You pay for xbox live and your games are more expensive. A PC can be built for 600$ which beats an Xbox One and will quickly beat it in price if you only buy games from online sales (which you really should). Also, consider that a computer is needed anyway. Then it's no longer even the full price of the PC that you must consider, but the extra you are paying to have a gaming PC vs a working PC. Then the advantage is even more in the PC's favour. The inherent backward compatibility and mods inherent to the platform put the final nail in the coffin.

Your analogy fails because dragsters can achieve a higher top speed, but are inherently limited compared to normal cars. For games, PCs can have more raw power and are more versatile.

Comment So predictable... (Score 0) 928

This thread has predictably devolved into a bunch of people waging holy war on systemd. The reality is that most arguments against systemd come from an emotional place, not a rational one. It works fine for arch users and it works fine for all the distros that are adopting it. This is like the unity backlash: Ubuntu is still #1, so that didn't really accomplish anything.

Comment Re:That's what happens (Score 1) 529

My passport may say "Canada", but the flag in my room is bearing the fleur-de-lys. I don't really care if my opinions "embarrass" you, especially if the offending attitude is my desire for peace.

There was strong opposition to the conscription in my province for both World Wars, and I am proud of that. We are not warmongers. By the way, it was the Russians who did most of the work. When Canadian and American forces landed in Europe, they were battling a heavily weakened enemy. They would have had a much harder time making their landings if the Nazis had had enough troops to protect them. Their foolish attack on Russia is what defeated them. And the Russians were right to counter-attack since, at that point, they were directly concerned.

You're deluded if you think the fight against ISIS will accomplish anything. Have you been living in a cave for the past ten years? Why don't you tell me about the resounding successes that were Western interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lybia?

Comment Re:That's what happens (Score 1) 529

The West certainly got involved in Syria. The rebels received funds, aid and weapons from the West. Had we not been involved, the rebels would have been defeated and none of this would have happened. Our actions have repercutions beyond what we can predict.

We have just spent more than a decade in conflict, and for what? We've all heard the definition of insanity. It would be insane to think this will be any different than our previous failed attempts to bring peace to the MIddle East. This isn't about sticking our heads in the sand. This is about refraining from repeteadly bashing our heads against a brick wall.

And we have been told time and time again that they just want us out of there. Why don't we... get out of there? They will not come to our shores if we stop meddling in their affairs, that's just ridiculous. It's hard to motivate people to blow themselves up when there's no imminent threat.

In short, our actions are both futile and dangerous to ourselves.

Comment Re:That's what happens (Score 0) 529

Snappy citations are not enough to support us going halfway across the globe to kill people. Had we all been maintaining a policy of non-intervention, ISIS would not exist. Our actions in the Middle East are causing more harm than good. At any rate, we have to think first about our own interests. It's unfortunate that people elsewhere are suffering, but we have proven time and time again that our interventions are both ineffective and costly. There's nothing we can do. Unless you are naive enough to think that "this time, we can end the terrorist threat!".

Comment That's what happens (Score 0) 529

That's what happens when you get involved in wars that don't concern you. By joining the fight against ISIS, we've painted ourselves as a target. This war doesn't concern us, and we don't need to have our peace disturbed because of our contribution to it.

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