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Comment Re:Sounds desperate (Score 1) 78

They've laid off people, but apparently are keeping the same leadership that got them into trouble to begin with?

Isn't that usually how it goes?
1. C-suite execs make a bunch of terrible decisions
2. C-suite execs fire a bunch of individual contributors who are left holding the bag of sh*t left over from these terrible decisions
3. C-suite execs collect their golden parachute and/or move on to destroy their next company
4. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Must be good to be the 1%

Comment Re:A little proactivity... (Score 1) 304

Nor should they be arguing to remove them from cars. All I'm saying is that there are a ton of easy-to-use, cheap and available options that solve this problem proactively before ever needing the "nuclear option." Don't read anything else into it because there's nothing else to read.

Comment Re:A little proactivity... (Score 1) 304

What a disingenuous thing to say. I don't agree with government taking away the last option in this progression as we've seen happening today, but it is very much the LAST option. There are plenty of other easily attainable and easily implementable options before ever needing such a drastic final outcome. OP is 100% accurate...a little proactivity goes a long way in most cases...

Comment Re:Fukashima disaster coming if something happens? (Score -1, Troll) 273

Your sneaking suspicion would be 100% incorrect. My brother works in emergency management specializing in nuclear disasters (due to the fact that there are two nuclear power stations within 100 miles of his location) so I actually know quite a bit about nuclear no, you don't need to use simpler words you arrogant clown.

What makes you a tool is that you felt the need to correct the parent post's spelling. In general, you act like a total horse's arse on /. and the entire site would be a better place if you went away.

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