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Comment Air pollution (Score 1) 78

Some time ago i saw some students measuring air pollution by doing a spectrogram. It could had been great to be able to scan all the photos on the internet for that kind of information, a good percent of which have associated time and location where they were taken, but you can't get that information from what normal cameras output. Maybe with this new camera, if get popular enough, the information gathered could be useful to do that kind of global measurements.

Submission + - FCC votes along party lines to regulate entire Internet

jbdigriz writes: In a stunning power grab, the FCC has extended Title II, not just to the loosely and flexibly defined "broadband" market, but to the Internet as a whole, wired and wireless, including even interconnects, making ISPs common carriers of telecom services, with the possible exception of dial-up providers (dunno, haven't seen the order yet). The commission voted also to override state law in NC and TN to remove restrictions on community broadband. Ars Technica has more info here. Lawyers, start filing. I'm sure the upshot will not be enshrinement of incumbents, of course. Or "openness" as defined by Fairness Committees of "Stake Holders." Right, suckers.

Comment Speed matters (Score 1) 576

They will come here slower or faster than the speed of light? If they come faster, no matter what technology we have to detect them, they will be here before the light of their travel. And if they are using something like the alcubierre drive, life on the entire solar system may be wiped on arrival anyway, with no defense possible.

And if they are coming slower than the speed of light, taking decades or centuries of their timeframe, they probably won't be an invasion or destruction force. Is just too much investment of time and resources for what you may get cheaper elsewhere. What makes us unique is our culture, and that would not survive an invasion.

Comment Re:The timing of technology. (Score 1) 117

70000 years is just too much time in a civilization time frame. Just 10000 years ago human civilization started. And we already reached the stage of being able to create weapons (and actually used them) that could end mankind any single decade, and didn't showed any maturity regarding their use (there was several situations past century where was mostly luck what avoided their use in a massive scale).

Odds that we won't be around in 100 years are not low, and they only will keep increasing with time. We will be around in 1000 years? 10000?

Comment Ignored knowns (Score 1) 213

Also should be considered Black Swan events. They are not exactly unknown, but they are dismissed as risks, sometimes because not understanding them well enough. And with them, fatal combos should be counted too, global warming could take 50-100 years to go into full effect, and that is too much time, enough to get combined with, or be a factor causing, diseases, wars, ecosystem depletion and some other factors listed there.

In fact, don't know how things like a big meteorite or supervolcano (that would cause a drop of temperature) would combine with the increased greenhouse gases that are causing global warming. Odds are high that they won't cancel each other, but lead to an even more chaotical environment or more abrupt temperature drop (less visible light don't enter because dust, and infrared could be stopped high enough because co2)

Submission + - Oxford University researchers list 12 global risks to human civilisation

An anonymous reader writes: The 12 greatest threats to civilization have been established by Oxford University scientists, with nuclear war and extreme climate change topping the list. Published by the Global Challenges Foundation, the report explores the 12 most likely ways civilization could end. “[This research] is about how a better understanding of the magnitude of the challenges can help the world to address the risks it faces, and can help to create a path towards more sustainable development,” the study’s authors said. “It is a scientific assessment about the possibility of oblivion, certainly, but even more it is a call for action based on the assumption that humanity is able to rise to challenges and turn them into opportunities.”

Comment Re:Have I lost my mind? (Score 1) 378

God have nothing to do with that. More than a single entity we are a community, not just formed by our own cells and ADN, but also by several bacterial ecosystems that we have in different places of our bodies. We get the first load right in the birth canal, then though our mothers milk, and from there influenced by our own environment, food, etc.

One of the mainly studied ones are the gut bacteria, that do things like processing the food that we can't, or influences our mood and other cognitive processes. But them could be affected by excess of antibiotics, diseases, diarrhea and other causes, and having a negative health effect. We have a backup for that flora in the appendix (if you think it was worthless, and worthy taking it out just in case, it is pretty useful), but it may not be enough. A fecal transplant is the transplant of the gut bacteria of a healthy person to fix that ecosystem, and if you can figure out, the easiest way to get it is from feces

Comment We need good stories for them too (Score 2) 307

Why something is looking bad, wrong, negative, harmful or just plain dangerous? We know stories that we can match in a similar pattern that ends well or bad for the ones we could indentify with. We could not even identify a trend, a pattern or a situation if we don't have a name or a story behind that pattern. How much of those new generations read/watched 1984, brave new world, or countless movies, books and other kind of stories where the kind of acts that do the NSA ends badly for most?

Also, the bias supporting directly or indirectly latests government policies is obviously very present in newer movies, and almost a coincidence in older movies. Watch "The last mimzy" or "Predestination", based on great science fiction stories, get rotten to the core by that kind of modification. And superhero movies are having somewhat present that something is rotten in the higher level of government and corporations, and they get caught, and stopped, so the ones remaining in the real life must be the good ones, no?

With older generations is hard to subvert the stories they had all their lives, but with newer ones, with old stories losing visibility, is a somewhat easy task. From there to history rewritting there is a short path, and from there on we will always had been in war against Eastasia.

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