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Comment Re:But ... (Score 1) 846

with the exception of hunting rifles, they exist for one purpose, to facilitate the most abhorrent crime there is.

Yeah, because there is nobody on this entire planet who might want to use one to test their skill at punching little holes in paper sheets from a distance.

Beyond that, ban everything but slow-shooting hunting rifles.

Most certainly you wouldn't want to try that with different kinds of firearms, in different positions, and at any sort of speed.

While we're at it, we should ban all forms of foot races except for marathons, because nobody should have any reason to participate any other kind of race.

Comment Re:huh? (Score 1) 144

Basically, my scenario as well.

I just rebuilt my MythTV box a few weeks ago after it developed a mainboard issue. So, I decided to upgrade it with an SSD for the boot disk, new OS install, and newer mainboard, proc, and memory.

Honestly, it doesn't take that long to set up. It took about a day to get running the way I wanted, including the hardware work and futzing with the EFI BIOS on the new board.

Here are the installation steps I took:

0. Get the hardware work done.

1. Install Scientific Linux 6.2. 2. Install EPEL and ATrpms repositories and yum-priorities. Set up yum priorities to put Base before ATrpms, and ATrpms before EPEL. Make sure the storage is all there (NFS and local RAID1). Install Base package set only.

2. yum -y install xfce4 mythtv

3. Manual work: download the "firmware" for my Hauppauge tuners and stick in /lib/firmware (5 mins). Download, compile, and install latest lcdproc package (10 mins). Copy the MCE remote definition to lirc config. Make sure that udev doesn't steal my remote and make it a linux-input device (Linux has built-in support for MCE-type USB remote receivers, but it's not easily customized as far as I can tell).

4. mythtv-setup - anyone should be able to work through this.

5. Make sure lircd, lcdd, lcdproc, and mythbackend start up on boot.

6. Log into box and run mythfrontend.

7. Set prefs the way I want them, maybe 30 minutes to go through.

8. Watch TV.

9. Since this is a dedicated box, set up gdm for auto-login and mythwelcome to auto-start, and make sure APCI wakeup is working.

Comment Re:Wayland vs X (Score 1) 315

Your idea of pretty is not the same as my idea of pretty.

I might add that I hate all of the stupid animations that GUI creators like to throw in. For instance, when I click a button that is supposed to make the windo go away, I want it to just fscking disappear. I don't want it to shrink down and slide away, I want it to instantly vanish. And so help me if it has a stupid sound effect...

Comment Re:Wrong units... (Score 1) 144

Kilopond is incorrect as well, since the unit is defined for fixed gravitational accelleration. Since gravitational acceleration does vary slightly depending on where you are on earth, and the idea was to detect this and other "weight-reducing" effects at various points on the the earth, making it a fixed value makes no sense here. The correct unit to use is just newtons.

Comment You may be able to require backup cameras... (Score 1) 652

But if a person couldn't be bothered to check behind the car before getting in the car, and/or can't be bothered to check the mirrors for a fully grown adult human or other larg objects before backing up,what makes you think that person will look at the camera image?

This mandate won't change anything but how a standard car is configured.

Comment Re:Gee... (Score 2) 173

I had a similar situation when I lived in central Oregon (specifically Redmond). I pulled out my trusty ham radio HT which was smaller and had better range than most cell phones at the time. Autopatched to emergency services via a repeater situated near Smith Rocks, which has way better coverage than any cell tower.

Just because there isn't cell coverage doesn't mean there is no communications. Those who want communications ability have it.

Comment Re:Glad to see Microsoft taking this position (Score 1) 678

The state should enforce contractual agreements between people, and any combination of people should be allowed to enter a shared domestic property contract. Their sexual activity or preferences shouldn't even be part of the picture.

Yes, that means a man and a woman, or two men, or two women.

It also means three of one and two of another. Or any other combination.

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