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Comment Re:Linux, a miracle (Score 4, Insightful) 739

Because if you aren't incompetent, you won't get yelled at.

Unlike a corporate structure, where you don't get yelled if you play the game right.

If you are incompetent, please don't develop linux kernel code. Go work for a corporation.You'll find you're a better fit, and if you play your cards right, you won't get yelled at no matter how bad you are at your job.

Comment Re:Tech isn't there yet (Score 1) 765

I'm not Arker, and his analysis hides all kinds of issues, especially considering not every gun out there is a .22lr pistol.

Bottom line, Armatix doesn't want you carrying their firearms for self defense for a reason. Somehow I don't think cops would take kindly to you telling them they have to replace all of their carry weapons with .22lr

Comment Re:Tech isn't there yet (Score 1) 765

What about people killed with their own firearms, or stolen firearms? Sure there are a few hundred. Should their lives simply be disregarded?

Yes. If they are outliers, and the numbers of lives saved dwarfs the statistical relevance of your outliers.

"If we can save just one life" is not a good basis for sound public policy making when it disregards broader consequences.

Comment Re:heh (Score 2) 765

"Disabling shots" are not used intentionally, and for a reason. Stating that they are "used frequently" is an outright fabrication.

You watch too many movies and/or play too many video games.

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