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Submission + - Beryl Project hacked

Thos writes: On January 2nd, 2007 Beryl was the victim of an online attack directed at our MySQL server. This attack removed most entries for the past several weeks and will cost countless hours in repair and recovery. Logs of the attack have been salvaged and analyzed, and the likely origin of the attack identified. More info here.

Submission + - Doomsday Clock to move forward

Dik Zak writes: Several news sites report that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists intend to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock on Wednesday 17 January. The clock was started at seven minutes to midnight during the Cold War and has been moved forwards or backwards at intervals, depending on the state of the world and the prospects for nuclear war. Midnight represents destruction by nuclear war. It is not said in which direction the hands of the clock will be moved, but it should be safe to assume that it will be closer to midnight. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists cite "worsening nuclear, climate threats" as the reason for the move. The clock was at two minutes to midnight, when both the United States and the Soviet Union tested nuclear weapons in 1953. The farthest away from midnight it ever was is seventeen minutes to midnight, in 1991 when both superpowers signed the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. It is currently at seven minutes to midnight.

Submission + - Dell accused of selling defective notebooks-again

crowbarsarefornerdyg writes: Dell's in the courts again, except this time Sony isn't to blame. The lawsuit stems from overheating Inspiron laptops. I own one (I inherited it, ok!) and it has overheated since we got it. Dell's answer? Keep it cleaned out. From TFA:

'A lawsuit filed in Ontario Superior Court alleges that Dell notebooks suffer from design defects that cause premature failure of the motherboard due to overheating.

The suit, which seeks class-action status, was filed on behalf of an Ontario owner of an Inspiron PC, according to articles by the Canadian Press and the Associated Press. It claims that Dell knew or should have known of the defects but sold the notebooks anyway.' efect_lawsuit/
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - PS3 piling up in retail stores

An anonymous reader writes: Seems like Playstation are piling up at retail stores around the US. I just called a few Best Buys around the Bay Area and sure enough, they are available, which is shocking given that it is Silicon Valley, plus the Bay Area is richer than most and could probably afford the $600 price tag. Meanwhile Wiis are sold out everywhere. Is Sony's strategy completely failing? Will they have to drop the price soon in order to remain competitive?

Feed CES: Winners and Losers (

What was the show's best gadget and the best game? Did you know that some of the 100-inch TVs are glued together from smaller screens? Wired News blows the lid off the show's best and worst. The Wired News staff reports from Las Vegas.

Hardware Hacking

Submission + - uClinux Ported to PSP

FJ60 writes: "Someone has finally ported Linux to the PSP! Specifically, uClinux 2.4.19. So far it boots, mounts the root filesystem, and runs an interactive shell. The only device driver that currently works is the TTY driver, which allows terminal sessions to run over the serial port built into the headphone jack. Pretty impressive considering that MIPS core used in the PSP is highly proprietary and this guy had no documentation! I can't wait to see X running on that screen.... Check it out at:"

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