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Comment Re:Not only in Finland. (Score 1) 314

In Canada, I remember buying a computer years ago with a single $1000 bill. The bank looked at us funny when we made the withdrawal, but they ended up being ok with it. The computer wasn't new, it was a private sale of a used computer, when we paid the fellow he looked at us funny and asked if he'd have trouble depositing it, he said he thought that was the currency of criminals or something, but he did accept it.
The somewhat funny part is, it turns out afterwards that he actually was a criminal, we found out later that the computer we had bought had been stolen from a local computer store... (The police, and that computer store, were both very understanding about the situation, and it all ended up working out)

Comment Re:That's not the reason you're being ignored. (Score 2) 406

.. the only problem being that, if you're in a plane with actual life-vests under the seat, the seat cushions might not be easily detachable as they're not the primary flotation device. Also, is your life-vest located under your seat or in the bin above you? If it's under your seat, can you *reach* it?

I fly canadian airlines, seat cushions as floatation devices are not legal here, so the life vest is under the seat, always. and yes, I can reach it.

More-importantly, which of the exit doors are the kind that swing in and stay there? Which ones come completely off and need to be tossed out the doorway? Do you pull the door into the cabin from the top or bottom? Which doors release by swinging a single arm? Do you swing it up or down? Which ones don't have an arm, but a pull-down lever? Which of those have an additional cover over the lever which you must pull down *first*? Which doors should you not open in a water landing? Which doors have escape-slides? Which ones auto-deploy when you remove the door? Which ones require a tab to be pulled? Which ones detach to become rafts? How do you detach them?

Even more importantly, show me even one airline that includes that information in their safety briefing. (which is what this is talking about, not the seat card) (though I can tell you, the ones in exit rows over the wings you need to pull in and up and then throw out of the plane, they come completely off, you pull from the top. The other doors, and on planes with exit aisles instead of exit rows, swing outward, you use the big lever on the door, they all have escape-slides, and you can use all of them in a water landing, and they all auto-deploy when you open the door (assuming the flight attendant properly armed the door when the instruction to "arm and cross check" came over the PA)

Comment Re:I'm a pilot (Score 2) 406

I'm not a pilot, however I have volunteered with an air search and rescue group.
On a commercial airliner I glance at the card, take a quick look around at the safety equipment, and completely ignore the "briefing"
On a military or civil airplane, I pay full attention to the briefing, where everything is, and any other information I can get.

The difference is that the commercial airliners are all essentially the same, and haven't changed in decades.
Each military or civil airplane is completely different.
(there's also the bit about flying at 30,000ft, vs flying at 1,000ft (or less) AGL through the rocky mountains...)

Comment Re:That's not the reason you're being ignored. (Score 5, Informative) 406

I have always wondered whether or not it's a lie that if the oxygen bag doesn't inflate that it's still working. It sounds like a load of BS meant to prevent you from freaking out, and fighting with the person next to you who has obviously got a working mask.

Actually it's quite possible. As an EMT, when we give patients oxygen with a mask with a similar bad attached, the bag doesn't always inflate on it's own. Basically the bag inflates if the delivery of oxygen exceeds the amount you're consuming, and deflates if you use more than it's providing. It works as a way of providing a constant flow through fluctuations in demand and/or supply. If the mask isn't sealed well to your face, or if you're hyperventilating because the airplane is crashing and you're not in favour of this particular outcome to your flight, the bag will likely stay deflated, even though you're still getting oxygen through the mask.
When we're giving a mask to a patient, we actually block the oxygen flow for a few seconds before giving it to them to force the bag to inflate, and if they're managing to suck the bag flat we'll turn up the supply until it stays inflated, however our goal is to increase oxygen for someone with breathing difficulties, the airline's goal is simply to provide adequate oxygen to simulate the normal amount you'd have if you weren't in an unpressurized plane at 36,000ft.

Comment Re:Outsourced then automated example (Score 1) 236

Where I live robocalls are already illegal (with exceptions for opt-in such as appointment reminders, and an exemption for political parties... must be nice to write the laws...) How much do you think that has reduced the number of robocalls I receive? If you guessed, not at all, you win. Problem is that Robocalls are generally from overseas and from scammers, there's no practical way for any enforcement.

Comment Re:It'd be nice... (Score 2) 248

Show me a libertarian that thinks the government making secret lists of people not allowed to participate in otherwise legal business transactions is a good idea... I'm not sure how libertarianism is the enemy here, it seems that secret government lists removing people's freedoms would be the opposite of libertarianism. Or are you actually trying to argue that a secret government list with zero oversight is a good idea?

Comment Re:little known trick for ATT (Score 1) 355

I can't speak for AT&T's implementation, but where I live we also have a TV over DSL provider, and they can definitely tell the difference between TV traffic and non-TV traffic, and therefore can still see what your non-TV traffic totals up to if they want to bill for overage... the plus side is I've never heard of anyone actually receiving an overage bill, but they do reserve the right. This also means that they can limit bandwidth separately for TV and internet services, so for example you could watch 3HD streams (total of approx 18-20megs of bandwidth) but if you turn them all off, they could still limit your internet speed to the 15 meg you're paying for. (often the modem will be trained up at 50-80meg, but you only get the internet speed you pay for with the rest being reserved for the TV's use)

Comment Re:Ethernet still the best (Score 2) 260

Future proof is one thing, but using it today is useful too. Almost everything has an ethernet port on it, not much is ready for fibre.
Honestly I think it will be a very long time before fibre optics are standard for networks within a single house, too much cost and too much legacy wiring, and that legacy wiring is capable of "good enough" speeds for a while yet (most traffic these days is to/from the internet, and if your internet connection isn't gigabit, what point is there for anything more than gigabit ethernet to your devices?) More likely we'll see continued improvement in speeds over cat5 long before we see fibre optics being pulled between rooms in a house.

Comment Re:Phones + 1 laptop. (Score 1) 260

Exactly, wifi is for devices that can't be wired. I actually miscounted when I voted apparently though, I forgot about a gaming system which is wireless only because some idiot engineer somewhere decided that a stationary device, designed to connect to the internet, should be built without an ethernet port!

2 person household
Wireless: 2 laptops, 4 phones, 1 Wii
Wired: 1 desktop PC, 2 NAS devices, 1 printer, 1 media streaming device, 1 Blu-ray player

As a side note, if you want people off your lawn, you shouldn't be on gigabit... maybe 100Mb, more likely good ol' 10baseT or earlier ;)
(I upgraded my 10Mb hub to a 100Mb switch last year, and finally to gigabit 2 days ago, so I'm possibly a bit behind the curve too...)

Comment Re:Does this really add up? (Score 1) 611

I think it more likely points to the fact that the advertising industry is completely out of touch with reality. People buy products regardless of if any advertising occurs or not, some things people just have to have, some things people want and research before buying, some things are impulse buys when they walk by them.

Thing is, even if you didn't follow any advertising to find a product or service, you still pay for the advertising of that product or service when you purchase it. The tagline has always been "half of the money spent on advertising is wasted, we just don't know which half", but I contend that it is FAR worse than that, I suspect it's more like 95%+ is wasted, companies swear that by throwing their product in our face at every opportunity we'll be more likely to buy from them, but I don't think it always works that way.

So yes, you spend way more than $230 a year on product and services in general, and about $230 of that money you spend on stuff you want/need didn't go to the company you gave it to, but instead to advertising that you didn't care about.

The marketing industry is completely out of control, and it costs society an inordinate amount of money.

Comment Re:3dTV is a flop? (Score 1) 197

I own a 3D TV, So I'm part of that statistic that proves how well 3D TVs sell. .. I also do not own any 3D glasses, or any 3D content, or have any intention of ever doing so.
I have a 3D TV, not because I wanted one, but because the manufacturer wanted me to. I couldn't find my other requirements without it at a price I was willing to pay. I'm certainly not alone in this category, many people have no interest in 3D, but own 3D TVs, not because they want a 3D TV, but because the TV they want happens to have that feature.
Look at sales of 3D content and 3D glasses, not 3D TVs to gauge the interest, I'm sure it's a lot lower than the industry would have you believe.
Thing is, the industry is desperate, we just went through the transition from SD to HD, which provided real value to the end user, this caused millions of people to go out and buy new TVs to replace ones that were still working fine, that's petering out now and most people have already replaced their old SD TVs. The industry desperately wants to replicate that situation and force people to go buy all new TVs again, but people just aren't biting.

Comment Don't do business with the USA (Score 4, Insightful) 502

This is one more reason to make extra sure that companies that you deal with have zero US presence. In fact in many jurisdictions it would be illegal to follow these US laws due local privacy laws. By doing business in the US, any data on individuals that you have, even stored in other jurisdictions is subject to their laws, meaning you'll often have the choice of breaking US law, or breaking the laws of the country you're in.

Much safer to just avoid all dealings with the USA.

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