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Comment Re:How could we tell? (Score 1) 320

> the U.S. government often takes a surprisingly passive role
> when China acts aggressively towards it.

Looks like the Navy, at least, is keeping an eye on China. Note that one of the selections in the "senior leaders" section of the Navy reading list is "The Great Wall at Sea: China's Navy Enters the Twenty-First Century". Nothing about cyber-warfare there, though.

Comment A dark shape... (Score 3, Interesting) 87

From the article:

> "You get the feeling the developer are trying very hard, though. When I see a
> dark shape in the distance, which turns and disappears, I don't get scared."

I thought the F.E.A.R. developers did this very well... when Alma would scuttle by in my peripheral vision it was almost always good for a start of surprise. Now if only my laptop had been able to play it with all the dials turned up...

Comment Re:Humane wars (Score 1) 785

> That is, if one country can afford killer robots and another can't,
> then the former has no deterrent to invading the latter.

Hm, although, that assumes that the killer robots are perfectly efficient and the country being invaded has no method of striking back "out of band", e.g., with Tomahawks or something similar.

Also, for understanding what today's senior military leadership thinks is important, check out the selections on the various military reading lists (site contains affiliate links, copy/paste the title links and search on Amazon if you prefer). "Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East", "On the Origins of War: And the Preservation of Peace", and more. Thoughtful stuff.

Comment Re:This TF (Score 1) 205

> I'm told that organizations like the DoD that have
> separate networks with no physical connection to the Internet

Yup, it's the SIPRNET as opposed to the NIPRNET.

From that same Wikipedia article, it looks like the Coast Guard Academy has a SIPRNET node... kind of surprising... but the cadets might as well get used to working with classified materials. CMS officer on a ship, there's a job with court martial potential!

Comment Use Puppet to provision the VMs (Score 2, Interesting) 136

If you do go the VM route, consider using puppet to define your machine configurations. That'll make it much easier to build out more than one of each machine.

Along the same lines, if you don't want to run a bunch of machines or VMs yourself you could spin up new EC2 instances as needed, point them to your Puppet server, and have them built out - consistently and correctly - in short order. Good times.

Comment Re:you need more than games (Score 1) 475

> With Flash you can write whole applications

You can _write_ whole applications, but running them will be painful. Try instantiating a few hundred objects in the Flash VM... in my experience, you'll see why people are still reserving Flash for little widgets and animations.


6 Languages You Wish the Boss Let You Use 264

Esther Schindler writes "Several weeks ago, Lynn Greiner's article on the state of the scripting universe was slashdotted. Several people raised their eyebrows at the (to them) obvious omissions, since the article only covered PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl and JavaScript. As I wrote at the time, Lynn chose those languages because hers was a follow-up to an article from three years back. However, it was a fair point. While CIO has covered several in depth, those five dynamic languages are not the only ones developers use. In 6 Scripting Languages Your Developers Wish You'd Let Them Use, CIO looks at several (including Groovy, Scala, Lua, F#, Clojure and Boo) which deserve more attention for business software development, even if your shop is dedicated to Java or .NET. Each language gets a formal definition and then a quote or two from a developer who explains why it inspires passion."

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