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Comment Re:Totally not thriving (Score 1) 79

Where do you get your certainty from? I'm just curious.

A while ago I wanted to see what I could find on the deep web even though nothing illegal interests me but I just wanted to look at what's going on. Based on the associated forums at least, some people had either put in a lot of effort into making it look like various people were discussing carding, drugs etc. or some sales were actually going on. Arguably, I don't think any of those "buy X stolen cc numbers" are real since shouldn't whoever has them be using them until they've been locked.

Nope. There's much less risk trading CC details than there is using those CC for buying things - to buy things one have to take a risk of actually being arrested, to trade numbers one needs essentially no exposure.
N.B. that most people that sells CC details are actually resellers and so have no actual connection with the CC number collection. Buying X numbers and reselling them in smaller lots is almost risk free... Sadly.

Comment Re:Cross-Dressers are people, too (Score 2) 153

Eh... most American communists weren't Soviet ideologists. While they probably wanted a dictatorship it would be one of the proletariat. Which mostly equals direct democracy.
And the treatment was not only wrong it was extremely so. Even a rumor that one once associated with someone that was (probably falsely) accused of being a communist was enough to make one unemployable. Witch hunt is the proper term for such behavior.

Comment Re:no attempted murder charges? (Score 1) 257

There are no indications that any murder took place, that the persons (excluding DPR) involved intended to murder someone or even that the person DPR wanted dead ever existed in the first place!
I guess Ross still could be tried for conspiracy to commit murder... The rest of those involved? Maybe tried for fraud.

Comment Re:Pro-tip (Score 1) 73

The most likely explanation was the whole thing was a scheme to extract money from DPR - which succeeded very well.

DPR will have to face another murder-for-hire case later on but there the hitman was LE and there really was a target. Don't you think it's strange if the one we are discussing was secretly an LE operation - an operation there was never any reason to deny involvement with?!? If anything it would strengthen the other case _and_ make the case of the current trial stronger.

Comment Nope (Score 1, Insightful) 73

If genuine, the transcript shows that members of the Hell's Angels organization are familiar with using encryption to shield their communications from law enforcement.

No it doesn't. Even if the transcript is genuine (there are no reasons to think it's not) we only know that someone suggested being a hells angels member.

There's a reason for presenting evidence even though there are no indications that anybody was killed as a result of the logged conversations (and money transfers) and this case not including a conspiracy to commit murder charge - it is to show that the DPR didn't hesitate to use violence to keep control of his criminal enterprise.

Comment Re:Ken Goffman is a huckster and charlatan (Score 2) 76

As someone strongly critical of the "transhuman" religion I find the "Amor Mundi" blog equally misguided and void of any with or insight.
One example: we have an increasing amount of real world AI capable of real world tasks - that includes self driving cars and (projects for) autonomous UAE. Yes, that's weak AI - not the (idea of) strong AI the singularity people worship. But it's AI.
And still Mr. Carrico claims one shouldn't be afraid of algorithms - but any sane person should!

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