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Comment Re:implicit tone (Score 2) 217

Like that of promoting the IBM PC compatible from a limited market to be the industrial standard architecture (by making sure they could sell MSDOS to anyone that wanted it)?
Or like that of "forcing" hardware manufacturers to improve their products (by helping to design and standardize misc. enhancements to the ISA)?

Most things aren't black and white unless one is bipolar...

Comment Re:I'd expect Fawkes masks to start making stateme (Score 1) 218

Small town (~15k population):
I pay $14 for 100Mbps up/down via fiber.
Relatives in the same town also have fiber, from a different ISP, (even using a different fiber network(!)) for about the same price.

IIRC there are actually 3 different fiber lines used to connect this small place.

Comment Re:Best idea ever! (Score 1) 130

Spoken like a true pedophile. Given that you are talking about "sexual partner" of children I think it's safe to say that you either transitioned to rape or is likely to do so soon.
Try to get some help before you ruin the life of innocent children, while most pedophiles can't be helped there are those that actually can learn to control their sadistic urges.

Comment Re:Sexual Harassment shouldn't cost us knowledge (Score 2) 416

WTF?!? Are you on some drugs or what? Or maybe you should be on some?

There is no hidden agendas, no "ivory tower" shit and no Nobel prize associated with this. It's just in your head.

MIT doesn't want to be associated with this person due to his conduct. They can't be forced to be.

It's that simple. Your paranoid delusions are just that.

Comment Re:Just wondering... (Score 3, Informative) 416

Eh... No. Yes many experiments were sadistic but they yielded information that is still used today. One example is how to treat different kinds of bullet wounds*, another how to treat people exposed to cold water** and/or how to increase survival chances if exposed to the same. There are others.

(* the Nazis simply shot people, added different kinds of contamination and then tried to treat the wounds)
(** they forced people into ice baths using different kinds of protection for different lengths of time and then tried to keep them alive)

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